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Thread: Steel Scorpion

  1. #1

    Default Steel Scorpion

    Hi wanted to post up my contribution the art forum - just joined the Everlast forums today and this is my second post. Im in the market for a tig machine and plasma machine as this guy was done with a cheap flux core wire feed and I could sure use some more control (and less grinding and brushing!) on any future endeavors.

    Made this out of mostly 1/8" strip of various widths, .063 wall box tube, some links from large roller chain, all thread rod, nuts and bolts, and ball bearings that I heated the heck out of to soften them up for drilling and tapping.

    All joints are fully articulated. There are quite a few ball joints (including mandibles) that allow for a pretty realistic range of motion and all can be tightened in different poses and positioned using tension on the joints. Claws can be opened and closed also.

    He's about 18 lbs or so and maybe 26-28" long with tail stretched out.

    Pics arent the greatest, but hope yall like it (and hope I attached them correctly lol)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Old 90 amp flux core wire feed
    HF 90/160 Amp TIG/Stick
    Mini Lathe, Mini Mill, Manual Bender, Ring Roller
    HF 2HP 29 Gallon Belt Drive Compressor
    8" plate shear, homemade 3-4 ton bench punch
    Homemade H-frame press, aluminum casting furnace
    HF 12 speed 3/4hp Drill Press, Clarke 4x6 bandsaw
    Chop saw, 10" disc sander, 10" Mitre saw modified for aluminum
    Makita for the power tools that matter, HF for the ones that dont (or are too expensive)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Welcome to the forum, and thanks for posting your art. I wish I had the talent to do stuff like that.

    TIG would come in handy, it would spare a lot of effort drilling and tapping the bearings.
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

  3. #3


    Seeing something like that tells me alot about the person who built it,,,,it shows imagination, planning,metal working skills and the drive to see a project through to it's completion,,wish I had more of those qualities myself,,,,nice work,,I like it.
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  4. #4


    Yeah I'm in total agreeance. That is a marvelous piece of work.
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Everlast PowerCool 300
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70
    Lincoln Powermig 215
    Magnum SG Spool Gun
    Don't jump on my Gomba

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    RUSSIA.Sankt Peterburg


    the good fellow that has joined this forum,
    you have made a magnificent scorpion,
    I very much love such mechanical sculptures
    more photos of your works please
    EVERLAST Power Tig 255 EXT
    EWM Pico 162
    MERKLE mobimig 180K
    SELCO Genesis 352 pme

  6. #6


    Thanks for the kind words, everyone - glad you like it. There was quite a bit of trial and error tied up in this guy, Geezer lol. I actually used a biology-type diagram of an Emperor Scorpion and scaled it up as closely as I could to maximize the accuracy and spatial relationships of all the parts. At the suggestion of some friends and family, I entered this into a local art show and took first place last year and scored a few hundred bucks for more toys #:o)

    Ive added some more pics of some additional projects in my profile album and in the 'galleries' section of the forum. There is a robot-type model I made prior to the scorpion that isnt quite as complicated but that allowed me to learn a bit about the different kinds of joints that are possible (if you look closely, the mechanism used to allow the fingers of the robot their degrees of freedom is similar to what I used on a larger scale for the legs of the scorpion underneath).

    Donor your stuff is fantastic!
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Old 90 amp flux core wire feed
    HF 90/160 Amp TIG/Stick
    Mini Lathe, Mini Mill, Manual Bender, Ring Roller
    HF 2HP 29 Gallon Belt Drive Compressor
    8" plate shear, homemade 3-4 ton bench punch
    Homemade H-frame press, aluminum casting furnace
    HF 12 speed 3/4hp Drill Press, Clarke 4x6 bandsaw
    Chop saw, 10" disc sander, 10" Mitre saw modified for aluminum
    Makita for the power tools that matter, HF for the ones that dont (or are too expensive)

  7. #7


    Redbeard is that chain in your gallery the start of a mail-type fabrication?

    I would love to get into forging in the not-too-distant future and get to work on some crazy weapons and armor...mmmmmetal...
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Old 90 amp flux core wire feed
    HF 90/160 Amp TIG/Stick
    Mini Lathe, Mini Mill, Manual Bender, Ring Roller
    HF 2HP 29 Gallon Belt Drive Compressor
    8" plate shear, homemade 3-4 ton bench punch
    Homemade H-frame press, aluminum casting furnace
    HF 12 speed 3/4hp Drill Press, Clarke 4x6 bandsaw
    Chop saw, 10" disc sander, 10" Mitre saw modified for aluminum
    Makita for the power tools that matter, HF for the ones that dont (or are too expensive)

  8. #8


    Sprocket,,,you and Ruslan (Donor76),,make this a good place to see and learn what can be done by using your imagination...look forward to more from both of you.
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  9. #9


    That is truely a nice pease of art.
    Everlast PowerTig 225 LX
    Miller Spectrum 375
    M-Tech Model 3 Tube Bender
    JD2 Notch Master Tube Notcher
    Light Racing Dimple Dies

  10. #10


    WOW! great looking scorpion! that must of took you quite some time to build all those joints! you have way more patience than i have!
    powerpro 256
    lincoln 185

  11. #11


    Those are very cool!
    Powertig 200DX
    Lincoln 180c
    Hobart Handler 125
    Miller Thunderbolt
    and a bunch of other tools

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Washington State


    Quote Originally Posted by sprocket View Post
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone - glad you like it. There was quite a bit of trial and error tied up in this guy, Geezer lol. I actually used a biology-type diagram of an Emperor Scorpion and scaled it up as closely as I could to maximize the accuracy and spatial relationships of all the parts. At the suggestion of some friends and family, I entered this into a local art show and took first place last year and scored a few hundred bucks for more toys #:o)

    Ive added some more pics of some additional projects in my profile album and in the 'galleries' section of the forum. There is a robot-type model I made prior to the scorpion that isnt quite as complicated but that allowed me to learn a bit about the different kinds of joints that are possible (if you look closely, the mechanism used to allow the fingers of the robot their degrees of freedom is similar to what I used on a larger scale for the legs of the scorpion underneath).

    Donor your stuff is fantastic!
    Doing what you love AND scoring some cash? Nice! Where in the world did you find a supplier that stocks the parts you need in the relative dimensions would wanted them in? Your choice in parts is as fantastic as your vision for the final product. I saw your gallery before you posted about it in the forum - I couldn't tell from the pictures how you attached all of the discreet pieces. I had assumed TIG but now you have me wondering again.
    Is it OK to want to break something just so that you can weld it back together?

    Everlast PowerTIG 185 Micro IGBT AC/DC Welder

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by sprocket View Post
    Redbeard is that chain in your gallery the start of a mail-type fabrication?

    I would love to get into forging in the not-too-distant future and get to work on some crazy weapons and armor...mmmmmetal...
    Oops, guess I should really use the subscribe feature more often, using "Today's Posts" only works when you check every single day.

    I'm afraid those pics were just messing around seeing how small a wire I could butt weld.

    As cool as they would be, forging, casting, and chainmail, are all pretty low on my priority list right now. Way too many fun things yet to do and only one lifetime to try and cram them into.
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

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