So, my last thread got so far off topic with all the stick welding banter, that I figured I would post the new photos and explain my dilemna a little better, so you could FEEL what I'm going through. For numerous reasons, I can't fully divulge the exact particulars of what is about to happen. Let's just say that in the near future, you will ALL be fully informed, and if I get my wish, my career will involve producing large parts that will be 1/8" wall, mild steel tubing. I'm talking about a MINIMUM of 225" if TOP quality TIG welds per part, up to double or even triple that number. A smart guy has it figured out by now, and is asking "Why not MIG everything?" to which I reply "Because I want my product to showcase exposed, beautiful welds, produced by EVERLAST TIG welders." It is in my best interest to go this way, and once I ramp up production, I will get into cold-wire feeding, but continue to TIG, as a quality trademark of my product.
So, I finally got together all(both) the parts needed to run my Everlast WP10 torch on the 185 Micro. All I have too say about the machine itself is WOW! Considering the fact hat I HAVE tried the competitor's (blue) machine in this amperage class, I feel that the Micro has the hoo-haas to blow the doors off it, and for under half the price, It's a steal. I switched over to 3/32" Lanth. and a gas lens with a #5 cup. The Hi-freq arc starts are potent and trouble-free, but I learned quickly to give the pedal a little "tap" with the torch off the workpiece, so the post-flow would have the argon stabilized when I actually went to start the arc. Otherwise, that initial "blast" was just a bit unnerving. Just my humble opinion, and no different than my 250EX or just about any TIG welder I've came across without adjustable pre-flow turned on. Anyway, the arc was smooth, silent and unwavering, even running near full-pedal for the entire 6-1/2" length of the part.
Now for the trouble. The BUBBLING up of the bead seemed to appear out of nowhere, for no reason, just like the 250EX was doing, except at times worse. I tried turning the gas up, down, more pedal, less pedal, torch angle, arc length, nothing seemed to fully cure it. The ONE factor that I was too under the weather to address was that I couldn't HEAR the gas coming out of the nozzle except when the solenoid initially opened. I gave up and went in, took my temp, and I'm currently running a 102.5 fever, according to my MERCURY oral thermometer, that is incredibly accurate. Anyway, below are some pics. I will post more, but PLEASE anyone who knows, PLEASE point me in the right direction. I MUST figure this out within the next day or so. Thanks.