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Thread: 250EX No Arc....

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    Quote Originally Posted by KSmith View Post
    look at the very top of the website...white lettering on black
    That explains it. I kept searching

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    Just an update...
    I ended up sending the unit to Everlast Canada. They switched out some boards and the IGBT unit.
    I got it back, but I didn't end up using for a month after I got it back.

    Ended up having the EXACT same issue. Now I was really frustrated. I called Duncan and we had a nice chat and tossed around some ideas. We decided to that there was a possibility that my power source plug may have had some loose wires. So I disassembled the plug, cut some new ends yada, yada, yada....

    I went to hook everything back and test fire it.

    (After reading this bit refer to my very first post and take note of what I said on how it was welding)
    Upon hooking up the ground cable the connector separated from the cable..... A big ole light bulb went off in my head.
    On the cable end of things, there is only approx 1'' of exposed wire left out to be crimped.
    The connector itself is about 3''-3.5'' long. There is enough room for the ground cable to completely separate from the connector portion WITHOUT coming completely out of the rubber shrouding.

    Meaning your ground could separate and you'll never notice until it completely comes out of the rubber shroud.

    So, alas, it was a grounding issue from the start like I initially suspected.

    My suggested fix to Duncan.
    Put some sort of marking where the cable goes inside the rubber shroud that way if the mark is visible you know your cable has come apart.

    After fixing that I came across a new problem, but after borrowing a pedal from a friend (who bought an Everlast on my recommendation) it was determined that my foot pedal is FUBAR'd. Further confirmed by switching to the torch trigger and everything is kosher.....

    .....Now I just need to re-learn how to weld .065'' wall aluminum tubing on this machine...

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