I had a Giantech POS that failed on its second cut. I got ZERO response from Giantech and found our that Everlast could possibly repair it. I sent it to Everlast and, to make a long story short, I bought a 50 amp Everlast cutter with the Giantech accepted as a trade in. Let me just say, that there is NO COMPARISON. I have been using the Everlast for a few weeks now and it is 100% better in function AND quality.

I'm a heavy-use hobbyist. I previously used snips, and cuttoff wheels for most of my metal cutting and suffered from Plasma Cutter envy. It was an investment that I thought I couldn't afford, which is why I ended up with an off-shore machine. I will definitely look at Everlast FIRST with any other welding machine aquisitions.



PS, no I don't work for Everlast. lol