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Thread: Introductory price for new Tig Torch

  1. Default Introductory price for new Tig Torch

    We have finally received the Tig torches with fingertip amp control .
    We have the water coled WP18 and the Air cooled WP26 models . We also have a limited number of Torches for the current model 200DX ( 22k pot ) in the WP26.
    These Torches are from the same supplier as the Canadian supplied torches so the quality is top notch.

    The WP18 Water cooled are $140.00 Shipped
    The WP26 Air cooled are $ 130.00 shipped
    CheersClick image for larger version. 

Name:	amp control torch 001.JPG 
Views:	514 
Size:	70.8 KB 
ID:	5950Click image for larger version. 

Name:	torch 003.JPG 
Views:	596 
Size:	95.1 KB 
ID:	5951

    905 637 1637

  2. #2


    How do these function with the "old" 200dx? Is it push button start stop and 0-200A on the finger control?

    Are these 12ft torches?
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sportbike View Post
    How do these function with the "old" 200dx? Is it push button start stop and 0-200A on the finger control?

    Are these 12ft torches?
    The torch length is 4 metres (13'-0") and you need to switch to 4T operation and then press once to start and then adjust the rotary knob for amp control from 5 to 200 amps. there will actually be a 200DX set up tomorrow with the torch on for any drop in Customers to play with.
    ( we tend to have a few people stop in on Saturday mornings and this Saturday in particular may be busy with Students)

    905 637 1637

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Indian Shores Beach, FL - U.S.A.


    Do you have WP-20 water cooled torch with the fingertip amp control in the same style for a 250EXT ?

  5. Default

    At this time we only have the Water cooled 18 with the amp finger tip control.
    The only other option we presently have is this
    The Wp 9 is shown but the 20 is the same in size . The thread shows the Torch with the gas lens kit and tungsten special but you will get the idea

    905 637 1637

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Titan winch View Post
    At this time we only have the Water cooled 18 with the amp finger tip control.
    The only other option we presently have is this
    The Wp 9 is shown but the 20 is the same in size . The thread shows the Torch with the gas lens kit and tungsten special but you will get the idea
    Duncan, are those WP9's 125A DC, 100A AC @ 605 duty cycle?

    I have been thinking about getting a different torch for my 2011 200DX. Was considering a smaller torch (wp9), an then the fingertip controlled 26 pops up...

    Is the "special" pricing on your link still valid?

    Maybe I should spring for both of them...a wp26 with rotary control and the WP9 for the smaller work.

    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by sportbike View Post
    Duncan, are those WP9's 125A DC, 100A AC @ 605 duty cycle?

    I have been thinking about getting a different torch for my 2011 200DX. Was considering a smaller torch (wp9), an then the fingertip controlled 26 pops up...

    Is the "special" pricing on your link still valid?

    Maybe I should spring for both of them...a wp26 with rotary control and the WP9 for the smaller work.

    We can still honour the pricing on the sale price kit for the WP9 and gas lens kit, although we will be increasing the pricing on the tungsten especially the 2% Lanthanated as prices have risen sharply . Below is a picture showing the set
    The WP 9 is DC 125 @60%
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0016.JPG 
Views:	331 
Size:	74.9 KB 
ID:	6061  

    905 637 1637

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Indian Shores Beach, FL - U.S.A.


    So how long is this introductory price for the WP-18 water cooled torch with the fingertip control valid?

    I'm still waiting for my 250-EXT welder which is on international intergalactic backorder until all the problems are fixed.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by X83 View Post
    So how long is this introductory price for the WP-18 water cooled torch with the fingertip control valid?

    I'm still waiting for my 250-EXT welder which is on international intergalactic backorder until all the problems are fixed.
    We will likely keep it this way untill the end of April or we sell out of the present stock

    905 637 1637

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