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Thread: Has anyone ever noticed this while welding

  1. Default Has anyone ever noticed this while welding

    I was welding a lot and noticed this when getting done. It was right under the ground cable when I was done. Im guessing that the current running through the cable caused a magnet action drawing all the little bits of metal from grinding into a line. It was the full length of the cable. Thought it was cool.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	030.jpg 
Views:	289 
Size:	153.1 KB 
ID:	6040
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  2. #2


    Yep, I've been doing a lot of plasma cutting, belt sanding and welding this week and noticed the same. It's also in lines like that around the legs of my welding table.
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  3. #3


    Any time you are using electricity you can have things get magnetized … sometimes my dykes or clamps get so bad I have to take my degausser to them … you energize the degausser close to the effected item and slowly pull it away in circles … not too fast because the magnetism will snap back onto the effected tool and it will be worse than ever. Degaussers used to be common back in the days of magnetic recording tape to de-magnetize tape recorder heads that’s where I got mine … I was an old school audio engineer decades ago.
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