It does look like it's on the expensive side. Free second day shipping when your order is over $50, but you might get to $50 faster than you think! I started a little price comparison exercise versus (only because they were the first to come to mind) and the Amazon price for 1.25 x 1.25 x .125 angle was more than twice the price at onlinemetals. Then I looked for square steel tube and couldn't find it at all- even though the search function on their website suggested it when I started to type.
So as usual, caveat emptor. The free shipping thing may work out for you, depending on the purchase.
I've often thought a sticky post featuring online sites where members have had good success would be a good idea for the forum. Any traction to that idea?
Oxweld oxy acet gear
IMIG 200
PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!