what size compressor do you have and what are you using for air line piping . I leave my drain pet cock on my compressor at my shop cracked open a bit with a small hiss of air coming out that way if there is moisture on the tank walls it will dry out , I live rite next to the Colorado river were its damp and i get nice dry air that way and i use pvc schedule 40 since dose not collect moisture like metal pipe . also when running air pipe run in a slant so very end is lower with a drain on end of line to clear pipes of water . water kills air tools and really wacks out plasma cutters . find to if you just have your air hose connected rite to compressor it can cause moisture problems to since it acts like a expansion valve like a ac system and makes moisture .coiled the hose in a bucket of ice water to me that would cause more moisture. that not how a fridge dryer works a fridge dryer has a drain off How does a Refrigerated Air Dryer Works
* The refrigerated air dryer cools the incoming compressed air first in an air-to-air heat exchanger where the outgoing cool dry air pre-cools the hot incoming air and condenses some moisture out.
* Then the incoming air enters an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger where the air is cooled to 38ยบ F by the liquid refrigerant.
This process causes the moisture to condense into liquid water and it is drained away.
The out going air then enters the air-to-air heat exchanger and is warmed up to keep the outside of pipes from sweating.
* The refrigeration compressor pumps hot hi-pressure gas refrigerant (Freon) into the condenser which transfers the heat from the refrigerant gas to the ambient air as the gas condenses into a liquid.
* The liquid refrigerant (Freon) is then metered to a cold low pressure where it enters the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger and the heat from the hot compressed air is adsorbed into the cold refrigerant (Freon).
* The refrigeration compressor then sucks low pressure hot gas refrigerant (Freon) into the refrigeration compressor and the cycle starts over again.
Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 04-10-2012 at 03:30 PM.
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