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Thread: Project 1 from KSmith. Category: Welding Cart

  1. #1

    Default Project 1 from KSmith. Category: Welding Cart

    This welding cart was designed to hold my 3-in-1 520D welder, with another shelf for add-on. And a 125cuft argon tank. After deciding an Everlast 200DX was going to be the future addon, I had to lower the center tray about three inches, to put the current welder there, planning the top shelf for the 200DX.

    The cart is constructed of 1"x1/8" angle, 1"x1/8" square tube, and .040" sheet metal for trays. There is support beneath the trays. I tacked the trays to the angle. 10" rear tires, 4" front casters.

    Width: 16" (tray width)
    Height: 30" with wheels
    Length: 32" overall with tank support
    Tray Length: 23"

    Cart was primed with Rustoleum Grey Primer, then a coat of grey metallic, then a coat of grey hammered metallic.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	WeldingCart1.jpg 
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ID:	6222Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	6225

    Mig weld is nothing to write home about. More photos to come.
    Last edited by KSmith; 04-13-2012 at 07:12 PM.
    UNT 520D plasma/stick/tig; Hobart Handler 140 Mig; HF 80amp stick welder; Victor O/A; 4x6 Horizontal bandsaw; Planishing hammer; & Stuff

  2. #2


    looks nice
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  3. #3


    I had small sheets of masonite, so oiled the masonite surfaces, then layed those in loose in the trays. I will be adding another sheet to the top tray.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	WeldingCart5.jpg 
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ID:	6227Click image for larger version. 

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    The cart is simple and utilitarian. It should move nicely even over the gravel drive in front of the shop.

    I will have photos of the cart loaded up, later in the day.
    UNT 520D plasma/stick/tig; Hobart Handler 140 Mig; HF 80amp stick welder; Victor O/A; 4x6 Horizontal bandsaw; Planishing hammer; & Stuff

  4. #4


    All loaded up the cart maneuvers very nice. The top shelf is saved for a future 200DX, finger's crossed. Some of the photos make it seem the cart is tilted, but it is just the effect of the wide angle lense. The cart is square in all dimensions.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	WeldingCart8.jpg 
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ID:	6232Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	6233Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	6235

    thank you for looking.
    UNT 520D plasma/stick/tig; Hobart Handler 140 Mig; HF 80amp stick welder; Victor O/A; 4x6 Horizontal bandsaw; Planishing hammer; & Stuff

  5. #5


    Looks good. Wish I had used bigger tires. I know my 5" rubber caster type are too small for shellrock. Could be all the weight on there too .

    Make sure you get some chains for the bottle, they do not go bad or stretch on you down the road..
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6


    The bungees are temporary for now.

    Harbor Freight had a special on the 10" pneumatic tires a while back, for $3.99 each, and with my cart in mind, I stocked up. They can be bought now for the lofty sum of 4.99.

    I bought 5/8" rod for the axles, cut and drilled for cotter pins.
    UNT 520D plasma/stick/tig; Hobart Handler 140 Mig; HF 80amp stick welder; Victor O/A; 4x6 Horizontal bandsaw; Planishing hammer; & Stuff

  7. #7


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	p1-3680C.jpg 
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ID:	6236good place to buy casters and tires and other stuff they have them here for 2.99 they have all types of casters and wheels think these wheels look cool since have brass centers
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 04-14-2012 at 06:01 PM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  8. #8


    guess I'd need fancy mud flaps with those brass wheels.

    great source. Thanks Rod.
    UNT 520D plasma/stick/tig; Hobart Handler 140 Mig; HF 80amp stick welder; Victor O/A; 4x6 Horizontal bandsaw; Planishing hammer; & Stuff

  9. #9


    Nice job!!! I looked at a cheap cart at Harbor... Yea... It is a really cheap cart... And small. So it looks like you have a really nice size to copy...

    I know you were going to put chains on the tank to hold it, but I am thinking of a cut out or something to hold the bottom of the tank so it does not slide around. Around here I have to drag it over a busted up old drive so anything I drag out gets a lot of bouncing. C'mon concrete drive!!!! Maybe I will get to a couple of pours this year.... Anyone want to help???
    Shade tree MIG welder.
    Now a Shade tree TIG welder.

  10. #10


    For holding the bottle I have the cart from harbor freight which uses chains but I also installed a bungee just to hold the bottle from rattling around which I would suggest as something to keep as well as chains, unless the bottle floating around in the chains does not bother you of course.

    Also is that the rustoleum hammered finish paint? I assume you noticed that the thicker you put it on the bigger the hammer effect?
    Everlast PowerTIG 200 DX
    Everlast Power IMIG 140

  11. #11


    Brian....I can just barely get two 7" diameter (up to 125cuft) tanks in the space on my cart. I was leaving open that option. I will probably just stick with one. I could make some sort of 'stirrup' for the tank to sit in, but it does not move at all as is. I am just wheeling it around in my shop. If I were to be moving it in rough terrain, I would want something more substantial also. Most of time folks use them on paved surfaces.

    Jules...yes, it is the rustoleum hammered finish...grey. It was just a quick finish over the undercoat, and I didn't get to play with it much.
    UNT 520D plasma/stick/tig; Hobart Handler 140 Mig; HF 80amp stick welder; Victor O/A; 4x6 Horizontal bandsaw; Planishing hammer; & Stuff

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