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Thread: Need a tig welder for the thin stuff

  1. Default Need a tig welder for the thin stuff

    I've been reading on this forum for about a year now and i have to say ,im very interested in one of these tig welders... but i don't know if they will do the job im looking for.

    For the most part, im going to work on 20-22 guage stainless and even 24 guage. So i need stable and precise arc with pulse fonction. The pedal must be precise too and need to be tough( look like the everlast pedal will break just lookoing at it).

    I work all day long at the shop with a miller maxstar 150 sth, the setting setup could be much better but it get the job done, we also have a maxstar 200 and a lincoln precision 175. The maxstar 200 is easiest of the bunch, lot of pulse is a big plus!

    So, im a miller guy, i really like lincoln too, but i feel that they are charging way too much $$$ for their machines. So do you guys thinks a powertig200,a i-tig200 or even the little 185 micro will be ok for me?

    Im looking on owners advices and feedback on theses tig welders.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my writing, Im from Quebec, Canada

  2. #2


    the pulse is a plus i can weld beer cans with my 250ex since can weld really thin stuff to thick stuff . the power tig 200dx what i see if the best since has nice features and every one seams to like this tig welder .
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  3. #3


    Contact "Duncan" on here. He is teh Canadian side (and pretty much the head of manufacturing / QC in the field). He will steer you in teh right direction. THere may be some pedal options as well for a more robust pedal.
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  4. #4


    Hello there,

    I have had my 200DX for almost three years now and have mostly welded thin stuff with it. The past few months I have been welding 22 gauge I honestly do not use the foot pedal solely because all the thicknesses are about the same so I just set it to low amps and go like 18 to 22 amps. I love the welder I am even going to buy one of their MIG welding machines this Friday to speed up production in some areas of my project. Current things on the project involve welding in new body panels and structure.

    I have also done a stainless turbo manifold for a friend and have to say the pulse was really nice to have for that. I have also played with the pulse on steel and I may not be doing it right but I felt it was not as noticeable as it was on the stainless.

    I have used the stick feature a many times and had no problems with that either.

    I am not certain if they have a new torch with the current control on the handle but I think that would be more useful and easier for me over the pedal.

    About arc stability, the other day I went to see how a Lincoln MIG worked to test it and see if I would like a MIG. The guy also had a Hobart transformer TIG and he did a quick demo for me. I have to say from watching alone the arc seemed to jump around all over the place over to the other edge and things like that, I was shocked as I have never seem my arc wander with clean tungsten. When he brought it close to the corner there was another protrusion near by and the arc jump right over to it, whereas with the Everlast the arc always seems straight and true.

    I also just switched to lanthalated over thoriated, I have to say the thoriated was much more forgiving but I almost feel like the lanthalated welds smoother. By forgiving I mean you could dip and contaminate the thoriated quite a bit and it keeps on going like nothing happened, staying stable and everything, but as soon as the lanthalated gets dirty that arc is all over the place.

    Hope this helps.

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