I've been reading on this forum for about a year now and i have to say ,im very interested in one of these tig welders... but i don't know if they will do the job im looking for.
For the most part, im going to work on 20-22 guage stainless and even 24 guage. So i need stable and precise arc with pulse fonction. The pedal must be precise too and need to be tough( look like the everlast pedal will break just lookoing at it).
I work all day long at the shop with a miller maxstar 150 sth, the setting setup could be much better but it get the job done, we also have a maxstar 200 and a lincoln precision 175. The maxstar 200 is easiest of the bunch, lot of pulse is a big plus!
So, im a miller guy, i really like lincoln too, but i feel that they are charging way too much $$$ for their machines. So do you guys thinks a powertig200,a i-tig200 or even the little 185 micro will be ok for me?
Im looking on owners advices and feedback on theses tig welders.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my writing, Im from Quebec, Canada