I was looking at the specs on your AC Tig machines and it looks like they don't go lower than 20 Amps. Is that right? The specs show that the DC Tig low current range goes down to 5 Amps. Why the difference?
I was looking at the specs on your AC Tig machines and it looks like they don't go lower than 20 Amps. Is that right? The specs show that the DC Tig low current range goes down to 5 Amps. Why the difference?
We don't have any straight AC machines.
What specs are you referring to?
Are you looking at a picture? We haven't published specs yet on our new units online...although you will possibly find them posted somewhere later on this week.
The pictures shows a 20 in the PowerMaster series and that refers to the Plasma portion.
The AC should be the same on all the machines: 5 amps plus or minus an amp or two. (always allow for a slight descrepancy in the readout)
But unless you are welding soda cans together, there is only a rare occasion that it will even need to be that low.
Last edited by performance; 11-23-2009 at 06:41 PM.
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
AC tig/pulse base current amp range
That's taken right from the 250EX specs page:
same on the 200LX page:
Mark, Granted I wouldn't be using 5 amps very often....there may be an ocassion when really low current would be needed. For example, on a thin sheet of Aluminum body panel....I'd use a really low current to avoid warpage.
the soda can might be fun to show off though. :-) what about gum wrappers?!?!?! that'd be a challenge. lol
I have fixed that several times. I have given up trying on the old site. The new site will be released in days. Everytime I have sent the web guy corrections, he messes up something else. Hopefully, on the new site, everything will be a bit easier to read and evaluate.
But the "official" documentation I have says 5 amps + or - 3 amps.
Also remember that the specs for the 225 have changed. There are more features and improved performance as well.
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
Thanks.....I look forward to seeing the new site. Hopefully, the new site will show the Tig Coolers and the New Heltmets too!