Never made an intro post, lurked around for a while.
I don't have too much experience welding really, it's not my main job at work. I do all of our fab work and jigs but I just learned how to tig a couple years ago, in the parking lot of our LWS when we bought the precision Tig 225. Everything we do needs to be chemically inert so I use stainless for just about everything, or if it's not inert it needs to be lightweight so that's the aluminum stuff. I actually "learned" how to weld aluminum watching welding tips and tricks, lol. No classes or mentor to teach me so I'm not too confident in everything I do but my welds hold 3,000psi on 0.040" stainless and none of my stuff has fallen apart.
I want to buy a 200dx for use at home, maybe a plasma one day too.