25 amp Everlast Plasma cutter?
This is a repeat post - have one in the plasma cutter section which may or may not be more appropriate.
A 25 amp 110v Everlast plasma cutter was mentioned in another thread by Duncan, I believe. Can someone at Everlast give us some pics, specs, manuals, pricing, availability - anything - on this unit?
Also, has Everlast thought about a pilot arc IGBT 40 amp plasma product offering?
Everlast PowerTig 200DX
Everlast PowerPlasma 50
Old 90 amp flux core wire feed
HF 90/160 Amp TIG/Stick
Mini Lathe, Mini Mill, Manual Bender, Ring Roller
HF 2HP 29 Gallon Belt Drive Compressor
8" plate shear, homemade 3-4 ton bench punch
Homemade H-frame press, aluminum casting furnace
HF 12 speed 3/4hp Drill Press, Clarke 4x6 bandsaw
Chop saw, 10" disc sander, 10" Mitre saw modified for aluminum
Makita for the power tools that matter, HF for the ones that dont (or are too expensive)