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Thread: PowerPlasma 50 problem - Spark but no HF arc

  1. Default PowerPlasma 50 problem - Spark but no HF arc

    So yesterday my father was cutting with his powerplasma 50 and then it stopped cutting suddenly. He was cutting 14 gauge steel sheet metal (and sheet metal is the only thing he's cut with it for the last 2 months). Well it looked to him like the tip went bad, so he changed it however we got the same problem again. Spark for a second and then nothing. The pilot arc did the same thing, and still does. So we opened up the machine just to take a peak inside and it all looks good except for one connection on the top circut board, it looks like it's burn. I'm not sure how it would short out like this, humitity is tops 40% out here and he has an industrial air dehydrator. Here's a picture

    You can get a hold of him (Tony) @

    Thanks for any help
    Last edited by Kapoor; 11-26-2009 at 07:13 PM.

  2. #2


    Kapoor have him call tech support. This is the proper channel for getting your problem resolved. As it is a holiday, you will not reach anyone today. But tomorrow, you might be able to reach tech support.

    I believe it looks like a loose wire started the problem and your point is likely the problem. But give them a call so that we can get you en route with a new unit if that is your problem. It looks to be a part of the pilot arc circuit. Have you tried to drag start the unit.

    Is this a powerplasma or a supercut 50?

  3. Default

    Alright I'll make sure he calls. It's the powerPlasma 50, and when we hit the torch to the material it starts a huge blue flame, but doesn't cut the material.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kapoor View Post
    So yesterday my father was cutting with his powerplasma 50 and then it stopped cutting suddenly. He was cutting 14 gauge steel sheet metal (and sheet metal is the only thing he's cut with it for the last 2 months). Well it looked to him like the tip went bad, so he changed it however we got the same problem again. Spark for a second and then nothing. The pilot arc did the same thing, and still does. So we opened up the machine just to take a peak inside and it all looks good except for one connection on the top circut board, it looks like it's burn. I'm not sure how it would short out like this, humitity is tops 40% out here and he has an industrial air dehydrator. Here's a picture

    You can get a hold of him (Tony) @

    Thanks for any help
    We were taking calls yesterday, no calls though. Everyone was eating and relaxing.

    I will call Tony in a bit. I wrote down the number. Never post the number in the public, always PM or email us, or call us.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. Default

    Thank you for calling/responding so quick. Got to be the best customer service I've ever seen. I believe he's in contact with the proper channels to get everything worked out. Also thanks about the info, and fixing my posting mistake.

    @Mike, when my father was talking to you he mentioned his air dehumidifier, well here's a few pictures of it.

    Thanks again

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Kapoor View Post
    Thank you for calling/responding so quick. Got to be the best customer service I've ever seen. I believe he's in contact with the proper channels to get everything worked out. Also thanks about the info, and fixing my posting mistake.

    @Mike, when my father was talking to you he mentioned his air dehumidifier, well here's a few pictures of it.

    Thanks again
    No problem on the call. Would have called sooner had I see the post.

    I will find gauge and the hose for mine. Thanks for the info. I will post the info her for others as well.

    Tony mention an inline hose (see above pictures) and a gauge. The gauge turns from blue to white when it's time to replace the hose. The heat the gauge and reuse it and buy another hose.

    $25 for the hose and it lasts for I think Tony said 6 month under commercial use. The gauge I think he said was $25 as well.

    $50 or $75 to make sure you have good dry air going in the plasma cutter is worth it to me.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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