Stainless Tubing Help
I am working on my first project using 304 Stainless tubing. The tubing that I am working with varies in diameter from 1.75" to 3.5". All of the tubing is around .065" thick. Most of the joints are butt welds and I have been trying real hard to keep the fit up tight. The problem I am having is the welds end up with little to no color. They look grey and dull. During my many hours of practice, the only time I seem to be able to get a nice looking weld is when fusion welding the tubing. As soon as I add filler the weld turns grey.
200DX welder
#8 Gas Lens
Tried 30-70 amps with the sweet spot around 50 it seems
Also tried with pulse and without.
Gas flow around 7-10 L
Tried with back purge and without back purge with no noticeable change
Tried 1/16 tungsten and 3/32 tungsten. 3/32 seems to have a more stable arc
Tried 2% Ceriated, 2% Thoriated and bought but haven't tried Lanthaniated Tungsten.
Have been using .045" 316L filler rod
I'm just getting frustrated with the lack of improvement on the welds. I have had no problem with steel or aluminum, but this Stainless is kicking my butt. I really would like to be able to get a nice looking strong weld. I forgot to grab my camera from home. I will post up some examples of the welds tonight.
Thanks for the help,
Everlast Powertig 200DX
Miller Synchrowave 200
Miller Dynasty 300 (Work Machine)
Hobart Handler 210MVP
HTP Microcut 30