With the different input and output pins connections it hard to have a generic package. The motor output pin are very common but some do not use a 4th motor (2 for x drive). Some don't use limit switches and if they do what is active switch, open or closed. If you would like some help I can send you some screen shots with annotations for that setup. Its not hard once you see how some things are done. If your using Mach 3 it has a semi-auto routine for setting up the limit and E switch. The motor tuning looks like it can be bad but once you get the direction right then you just tell it to move 5" and measure if it went 5" type in how far it went and it recalibrates itself. Do that about 3 time for each axis and it should be ok .
have fun
Everlast PM256
Millermatic 180
Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
Longevity Force Cut 80I
DIY CNC table for plasma/routing
13" metal lathe
Small Mill
ect, ect.