I just received (11-25-09) my new Power Tig 250EX and discovered a problem while setting the machine up for trial welds. First I welded in the ARC mode with no problems. The welds were beautiful and easy to make. Then I set the machine up for DC tig welding using the remote foot control. I could not get a stable arc and kept burning up electrodes (1/16" 2% thoriated, pure Argon @15CFH).Talking to Mike in customer service, he suggested using the torch only and eliminating the foot control for now. I did what he suggested and had the same results. After some brain storming with Mike and some experimenting on my end, it turns out that the torch is not connected to the argon line correctly. I has been set up so that the argon does not come out of the ceramic cup but instead comes out one of the cooling water lines. I will contact customer service and have the send me a new torch. If any one has problems establishing a good arc and burns up electrodes you may want to check and see if the torch is plumbed correctly so that argon comes out the ceramic nozzle and not one for the cooling lines. Today (12-7-09) I ordered a water cooler for my Power Tig. In addition to these machines I own a Cut 50 plasma cutter and just love it. I have it mounted on a cart by itself so that I can move it around as needed. As soon as I figure out how to send digital pictures I will send a picture of the set ups I have.