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Thread: Newbie with a Power TIG 200DX

  1. Default Newbie with a Power TIG 200DX

    Well, I'm new to this technology but after an intensive research looking for what we call in Puerto Rico In spanish the 3 B's Bueno, Bonito y Barato that it means; Good, beautiful and affordable Tig welding machine, I end up with The Everlast Power Tig 200DX.

    Having the new IGBT technology VS the MOSFETs Technology, the attractive price and so far and hoping doesn't change, having a nice support department, are few thing that help me make my mind to Everlast.

    I place the order of a Power Tig 200DX on Thursday to Everlast. After that I start thinking!!! Hummmmmm!!!

    I need to start working on having my power connection ready since I don't have one. Also I need the Argon tank, the welding mask, glove and few extras.

    This past weekend I spend some time reading on the Argon tank. As many of you know the old debate about; owning or renting. I have not make my mind yet but I already heard that some of those company do some kind of rental agreement for lots of years (over 20), yep it sound ridiculous but I found few statement from people saying that. So let see what I end up doing.

    On the Welding mask, I found that Harbor Freight is having on sale the Auto Darkening mask for $49.99 and thats the one I'm probably going to buy at least for now.

    I order the Tungsten rod on E-bay. Just exactly as Everlast Tech support recommend me 2% thoriated.

    I still working on the Electric outlet on my garage and few extra things...

    Will keep you all post on my progress...
    Last edited by Aspen; 12-07-2009 at 07:53 AM.

  2. Default

    I bought my welding helmet at Harbor Freight on sale for 39.99 a few months ago. It is adjustable and works remarkably well. How long will it last? Only time will tell I guess. I don't make a practice of shopping at HF but they do have some deals that seem too good to pass up. I get their email newsletters and frequently receive 20% off any 1 item coupons that are good on sale items also.

  3. #3


    Its a long time coming, but we wil have our line of helmets soon. We are negotiating some changes to our first test units. So it has taken extra time to incorporate them and we are standing in line for production.

  4. Default

    Ok I have some updates.

    I see some light at the end of the tunnel

    I found a electrician that was able to do this set up for $70.00 including material and 50 amp breaker . It took him only 15 minute to do this...

    Also I bought from Harbor Freight the mask for $49.99 plus 9 dollar for two year warranty, 3 pair of welding glove for $9.99.

    The only thing is pending is the Argon tank and this is what I found out.

    I went to Airgas, they ask me for 70 dollar for a year lease and the amount of the gas inside the tank. This include any size of tank I decide to take.
    It sound about right to me, that way I can decide which size is more convenience for my used. Until they want me to fill some type of application where the ask for so many things that I decide not to go there since look like I'm asking for a personal loan. I ask the guy and he say that yes they check your credit.

    Hummmmmm!!!! Having them checking your credit just to rent a Argon tank and you only need a credit card and a driver license to rent a car? It doesn't sound right.

    Tomorrow I'm going to make some calls to find out more...

    But I'm almost there just waiting for my welder....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Aspen; 12-08-2009 at 06:09 AM.

  5. #5


    "Also I bought from Harbor Freight the mask for $49.99 plus 9 dollar for two year warranty, 3 pair of welding glove for $9.99."

    Aspen the gloves might be a little thick for tig. I tried with my regular gloves and it was messy. Thinner is better for tig since you need to feed the rod through your fingers into the puddle. HF has some goatskin gloves that are thinner and allow you feed rod. +1 on the helmet I have the same one and works good.
    POWERMASTER 205 AC/DC Pulse TIG, Plasma and Stick

  6. #6



    Usually credit inquiries, like this, don't hurt FICO scores, unless you do many of them. I am not a financial advisor, but I do hold a Airgas account. The credit check is just part of doing business these days. Of course, you can go and pay twice the amount at Tractor Supply for the gas and get out without a credit check.

    You can purchase a 125cf bottle from airgas as well, that way you own your own bottle. However, as far as rent goes...the bottles are all the same price for lease. You only have to decide how much you need and you can trade up or down depending upon your most recent budget. With the purchase option, you pretty much are limited to the 125 cuft tank, no stepping up or down.

    Yesterday a 300cuft argon bottle cost me 55.00 to refill.

  7. #7



    Usually credit inquiries, like this, don't hurt FICO scores, unless you do many of them. I am not a financial advisor, but I do hold a Airgas account. The credit check is just part of doing business these days. Of course, you can go and pay twice the amount at Tractor Supply for the gas and get out without a credit check.

    You can purchase a 125cf bottle from airgas as well, that way you own your own bottle. However, as far as rent goes...the bottles are all the same price for lease. You only have to decide how much you need and you can trade up or down depending upon your most recent budget. With the purchase option, you pretty much are limited to the 125 cuft tank, no stepping up or down.

    Yesterday a 300cuft argon bottle cost me 55.00 to exchange for a full one.

  8. #8



    A 131 (125 bottle) from Welder Supply is $200+ no account required. $250+ range from PraxAir no account needed either. A little under $40 to refill it. (UPDATE: went to the truck for the last bill, $34.93 to fill it)

    Now Mark paid $55 for twice the gas I get for $35. So that is a good deal. But the bottles are a bit heavier and harder to deal with.

    You can go on ebay and get an 80 for a lot less, but they are a tad small for me and the refill will be close to what I pay on the 125. But the ebay price is right and free shipping.

    How you swap the bottle and how much you weld are something to think about.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  9. Default

    Some more news.

    I receive today my new Power Tig 200DX. Below are some picture.

    Also I got an account with Airgas after reading Mike R. Post. So finally I think I have everything to begin burning metal around the house. LOL LOL LOL LOL

    Everything look good so far. The Gas regulator is on Liter per minutes so 20CFM converted to Liter per minutes is in between 5 and 6 L/M.

    I'm very happy, I'm guessing that tomorrow I'll will give it a try...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Aspen; 12-09-2009 at 07:22 AM.

  10. #10



    Do not convert from liters per minute to CFM. It should be converted to CFH. But 5-7 lpm is about right.

  11. Default La cosa (the thing)

    Bad and Good news.

    The good news is that I finally try my Welder.

    The bad news is that I try it on Steel and on aluminum using the control pedal and found that for some reason no mater how far down I press the control pedal, the power or I should say the intensity doesn't change.

    I keep reading and trying, and trying with different setting and NOTHING.

    The control Pedal won't work. Yes I know that I'm new but the control pedal doesn't change anything at all wile I'm trying to weld. I said trying to weld because I just burn most of the scrap aluminum I have found around the house. I try on Steel, different setting with almost the same result.

    Well after 2 1/2 hour of going back and forward to the printed copy of the User Manual from Everlast web site. I decide to take a close look to the Pedal. I notice there was a spring hanging and I have no clue were that Sprint goes.

    You can see the spring on the picture bellow.

    I was getting frustrated and even that the machine was 24 hours new I took the chance of looking inside of the pedal control box and Walaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

    I understand what happens; the spring pull some sort of pinion gear bar against a pinion gear that is attached to a potentiometer that rotate, controlling the Power or the intensity that you select by pushing on your foot pedal. I went and attached the spring to the only hole I found and YESSSSSSS..

    A totally different machine.

    I start welding right away.

    Welding on steel is like moulding butter. Very easy.

    Here is my first project, but Please don't laugh LOL LOL LOL

    I called LA COSA (THE THING)

    This is nicer that what I though. Simple, easy and I liked...

    I need more practice I know but if I did it anyone can do it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Control Pedal.jpg 
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Name:	pinion bar.jpg 
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Name:	LA COSA (The Thing).jpg 
Views:	597 
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Name:	La Cosa 1.jpg 
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    Last edited by Aspen; 12-10-2009 at 07:10 AM.

  12. #12



    That is the perfect paper weight. The first thing I ever tried to weld was when I was about 9 years old. It was the olympic rings from pieces of sawed off pipe. I hung it on a old live oak tree in my front yard, and many years later, when I was in college, I returned there and it was still hanging on the tree. Its gone now, but it still was something that I was proud of.

    The foot pedals are tempermental, there's no denying that. They work incredibly well, but usually in shipping parts get pressed together in the box and dislodge either the springs or bends the actual rack that goes down on the pinion gear, so that they may need to be bent back or resprung. We are looking for a better foot pedal, but none seem to give the resolution of control that this pedal gives. So, as I said, they work well, but the issue is that the parts are somewhat fragile.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Aspen View Post
    Bad and Good news.

    The good news is that I finally try my Welder.

    The bad news is that I try it on Steel and on aluminum using the control pedal and found that for some reason no mater how far down I press the control pedal, the power or I should say the intensity doesn't change.

    I keep reading and trying, and trying with different setting and NOTHING.

    The control Pedal won't work. Yes I know that I'm new but the control pedal doesn't change anything at all wile I'm trying to weld. I said trying to weld because I just burn most of the scrap aluminum I have found around the house. I try on Steel, different setting with almost the same result.

    Well after 2 1/2 hour of going back and forward to the printed copy of the User Manual from Everlast web site. I decide to take a close look to the Pedal. I notice there was a spring hanging and I have no clue were that Sprint goes.

    You can see the spring on the picture bellow.

    I was getting frustrated and even that the machine was 24 hours new I took the chance of looking inside of the pedal control box and Walaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

    I understand what happens; the spring pull some sort of pinion gear bar against a pinion gear that is attached to a potentiometer that rotate, controlling the Power or the intensity that you select by pushing on your foot pedal. I went and attached the spring to the only hole I found and YESSSSSSS..

    A totally different machine.

    I start welding right away.

    Welding on steel is like moulding butter. Very easy.

    Here is my first project, but Please don't laugh LOL LOL LOL

    I called LA COSA (THE THING)

    This is nicer that what I though. Simple, easy and I liked...

    I need more practice I know but if I did it anyone can do it.

    Glad to see you are welding! I know your frustration. Nothing worse than getting a new welder and having problems. Your welds don't look all that bad and remember have fun.

    "The foot pedals are tempermental, there's no denying that. They work incredibly well, but usually in shipping parts get pressed together in the box and dislodge either the springs or bends the actual rack that goes down on the pinion gear, so that they may need to be bent back or resprung. We are looking for a better foot pedal, but none seem to give the resolution of control that this pedal gives. So, as I said, they work well, but the issue is that the parts are somewhat fragile. "

    Mark is it possible to have a finger control and eliminate the foot pedal all together? Would make alot of sense. Maybe some sort of wheel or trigger that is moveable on grip for different hand positions?
    POWERMASTER 205 AC/DC Pulse TIG, Plasma and Stick

  14. #14


    We have been investigating a finger tip control...As of now, it isn't available. But we have been looking for an economical and quality supplier. Panel control is really superior, if you learn how to use it.

  15. Default Practicing on a work bench I have in my garage.

    I decide to ad some wheel to my work bench. But I notice the legs are kind of a Channel shape and very thing, sooooooo!

    I have and old dish antenna that my wife want me to throw away, but instead I hide it on the attic. Look what I did with the Dish antenna and the Work Bench.

    Tire hold 330lbs each and cost me $3.99 and you know where!!!!!!!

    Now I just need to buy a 1/8" or 3/16" plate to remove the wood top and weld the new metal top to make my new Welding Table.....


    I love it.

    This machine is perfect for what I need ...

    Very easy and the instruction on the web site are very simple to fallow.

    There is few things using the Pedal and the control knob, on the panel and the knob on the pedal. Kind of confusing but I think I will figure out soon...
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    Last edited by Aspen; 12-14-2009 at 04:34 AM.

  16. Default

    I'm back...

    Here is some example of how I'm doing welding aluminum.

    I just love it.
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  17. #17


    Your welds are really shaping up. I am glad to hear from you.

  18. #18

    Default chart for gas

    here is a conversion chart for argon
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	argonchart.jpg 
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  19. Default

    Well I'm going to start working on stacking the weld ripples like dimes...

    I'll let you know how it goes....

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Aspen View Post
    I decide to ad some wheel to my work bench. But I notice the legs are kind of a Channel shape and very thing, sooooooo!

    I have and old dish antenna that my wife want me to throw away, but instead I hide it on the attic. Look what I did with the Dish antenna and the Work Bench.

    Tire hold 330lbs each and cost me $3.99 and you know where!!!!!!!

    Now I just need to buy a 1/8" or 3/16" plate to remove the wood top and weld the new metal top to make my new Welding Table.....


    I love it.

    This machine is perfect for what I need ...

    Very easy and the instruction on the web site are very simple to fallow.

    There is few things using the Pedal and the control knob, on the panel and the knob on the pedal. Kind of confusing but I think I will figure out soon...
    A word of caution on buying casters, I made a stand for my granite block and other measuring tools, used small plastic casters and a year later they are flat, plastic will settle out under load over time, pretty funny when you pull on the stand and it won't move, makes you think you forgot to eat a hearty breakfast. Solution is to have quick adjustable legs that hold the casters/stand above the floor until you need to move it. Pull the pins and the stand drops onto the castors,

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