With my 200DX on the way, I have to figure out how to get going, the welder tapped me out, I don't have another $100-$150 for a helmet at the moment. That said, I do have two helmets sitting here, a Hobart #10 auto darkening (fixed) and a large window traditional style with I believe a #10 or #11 (I have to look, it's my 'bystander' helmet for MIG work.
Anyone have a 'safe' chart? I know there's personal preference, some like a 9 for TIG to N-amps, other say this, or that, etc. I'll put extra lighting if a darker shade than I can see easily is recommended, no problem adjusting to the situation.
What I'm trying to figure out is what shade will work for arc at what power, what shade will work for what TIG, etc. If darker than #10, can I throw a pair of lighter goggles on under the auto helmet and 'stack' them? Hopefully only a month or two and I'll order up an Everlast helmet, but I have to figure out how to get a tank and consumables or the helmet is just going to collect dust.
I have some damage and side effects from welding in the Navy with a cracked (couldn't tell) lens, not looking to add to it.