Originally Posted by
Brian Ski
If it is your bottle... You take it in and have it filled... You have to pay to have it re certified about $20-40 depends on the place. Now if it has your gas places name on it and you just swap them they don't care.
I just picked up a used tank and digging in the garage found another bottle of Argon in the corner. Well now I have 2. Nice to have a spare. Tanks will last quite a while using them unless you are have quite a long welding session going on. I guess my problem if I had one tank, is if it was less than half full on a Friday would I fill it or risk running out on the weekend. Nice to have a spare.
BTW if you lws fills tanks. They should fill any tanks if they are in date. Mine will. But they won't swap any tanks but their own.
Thanks, good info.
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- Dr. AR Dykes