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Thread: Cylinder options... (in NE Florida)

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Ski View Post
    If it is your bottle... You take it in and have it filled... You have to pay to have it re certified about $20-40 depends on the place. Now if it has your gas places name on it and you just swap them they don't care.

    I just picked up a used tank and digging in the garage found another bottle of Argon in the corner. Well now I have 2. Nice to have a spare. Tanks will last quite a while using them unless you are have quite a long welding session going on. I guess my problem if I had one tank, is if it was less than half full on a Friday would I fill it or risk running out on the weekend. Nice to have a spare.

    BTW if you lws fills tanks. They should fill any tanks if they are in date. Mine will. But they won't swap any tanks but their own.
    Thanks, good info.
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida


    Perseverance pays off... found another supplier in the other direction. $175 for full 80's, exchanges for less than TSC and AirGas. Half hour drive, but it ain't that bad.

    At that price, will be picking one up shortly and will just add tanks later.
    Trip Bauer
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  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Trip59 View Post
    Perseverance pays off... found another supplier in the other direction. $175 for full 80's, exchanges for less than TSC and AirGas. Half hour drive, but it ain't that bad.

    At that price, will be picking one up shortly and will just add tanks later.
    TSC did seem pretty pricey. Glad you did some shopping and came up with a good price. Found a cylinder at a junk yard this morning was an oxygen. It was a medical cylinder. It had a home medical tag on it. The only thing that was different was it had a chrome valve not brass. Not sure if they swap them or not. Was told they don't sell their scrap, but I may have been able to wheel n deal. I past. Like I need another right now.
    Shade tree MIG welder.
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