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Thread: LONNNGGG term MIG wire storage?

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  1. #1

    Default LONNNGGG term MIG wire storage?

    Well, let me start off by saying I got a killer deal on some MIG wire a about 4 years ago. I bought a Miller 250, lease size bottle, and a near new 550lb spool of wire for $1000. Sold the welder for $1000 and kept the wire/bottle.

    I have made a slight dent in the wire, but I feel it will probably last me another 10 years unless I use it ALOT more than I do. It has a dessicant bag in the bottom of it, and a plastic hood on the top the wire feeds out of, but by no means is it 'sealed'. Would the dessicant bag be enough? I haven't noticed any corrosion on it yet (I have had it for 4 years like I said above). Should I get another bag of dessicant to put in the barrel, or just leave it as-is?

    '96 Tacoma V6 on 37's, full custom, built for racin!
    Yamaha Rhino w/ 800 Rotax built for racin!
    Miller 251 MIG
    Everlast Powerplasma 60C with CNC plasma table

    Looking for sponsors for KOH 2013 race!
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Tacoma747 View Post
    Well, let me start off by saying I got a killer deal on some MIG wire a about 4 years ago. I bought a Miller 250, lease size bottle, and a near new 550lb spool of wire for $1000. Sold the welder for $1000 and kept the wire/bottle.

    I have made a slight dent in the wire, but I feel it will probably last me another 10 years unless I use it ALOT more than I do. It has a dessicant bag in the bottom of it, and a plastic hood on the top the wire feeds out of, but by no means is it 'sealed'. Would the dessicant bag be enough? I haven't noticed any corrosion on it yet (I have had it for 4 years like I said above). Should I get another bag of dessicant to put in the barrel, or just leave it as-is?
    Never seen a 550lb spool.... hows that setup work ?
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. #3


    Put it in a plastic bag, vaccum it then fill it with argon,,,should to do the trick..there maybe other ways that some one could tell us about...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  4. #4


    put in a air dry box in plastic bags and cover with fresh step crystals cat litter its 95 percent dissintent will keep it dry Click image for larger version. 

Name:	51dkXQgZmFL._SL500_AA300_.jpg 
Views:	350 
Size:	16.7 KB 
ID:	6926. when ready to use just blow off with air gun
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  5. #5


    Is it in a drum? I don't think I have ever seen a 550lb spool of welding wire. Seen it in drums, just not a huge spool.
    Last edited by sportbike; 05-31-2012 at 01:50 PM.
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  6. #6


    most standard wire drums are 400 pounds there mostly uses in automation welding plants .
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    At a trade show I saw an ESAB system with 550 and 900 pound drums for feeding welding robots. They even had a little machine to butt weld the ends of the wires together and grind them smooth so they could transition from one drum to the next without the robot ever stopping. It looked something like a bandsaw blade welder.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Rambozo View Post
    At a trade show I saw an ESAB system with 550 and 900 pound drums for feeding welding robots. They even had a little machine to butt weld the ends of the wires together and grind them smooth so they could transition from one drum to the next without the robot ever stopping. It looked something like a bandsaw blade welder.
    Do the drums rotate ? If they don't it seems like twist would be a problem before the drive rollers.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  9. #9


    work like this
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Tacoma747 View Post
    Well, let me start off by saying I got a killer deal on some MIG wire a about 4 years ago. I bought a Miller 250, lease size bottle, and a near new 550lb spool of wire for $1000. Sold the welder for $1000 and kept the wire/bottle.

    I have made a slight dent in the wire, but I feel it will probably last me another 10 years unless I use it ALOT more than I do. It has a dessicant bag in the bottom of it, and a plastic hood on the top the wire feeds out of, but by no means is it 'sealed'. Would the dessicant bag be enough? I haven't noticed any corrosion on it yet (I have had it for 4 years like I said above). Should I get another bag of dessicant to put in the barrel, or just leave it as-is?
    NC??? How is your humidity??? Guessing on the lower side??? If you haven't had a problem already, I don't foresee much changing. What kind of wire is it??? I have some E70S6 and it is copper coated steel so it does not rust. Is yours the same??? Another couple bags of desiccant would help but only if the container is sealed.
    Shade tree MIG welder.
    Now a Shade tree TIG welder.

  11. #11


    Tocoma were you live is about the same for humidity since i am under a mile from the Colorado river, July and Sept its like 70 or more for humidity were i am at . only thing i really keep sealed good and dissident is my aluminum wire since moisture is hard on it
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  12. #12


    It's copper coated, so rust is not an issue, I was thinking more of just corrosion, no, I haven't had a problem yet, I just don't want to get to the bottom of the drum (no, it's not a spool) and have 200lbs of wire that I can't use. I will probably just put another bag of dessicant in the drum and call it good. Guess I can check the dessicant in the other bag and see if it has changed color. It is stored in a basement, temperature stays ~60-75 depending on time of year.

    I just did a quick search, mine looks identical to this (which is a good deal if someone is nearby!):

    The hood is the same idea as this, although mine is clear:

    '96 Tacoma V6 on 37's, full custom, built for racin!
    Yamaha Rhino w/ 800 Rotax built for racin!
    Miller 251 MIG
    Everlast Powerplasma 60C with CNC plasma table

    Looking for sponsors for KOH 2013 race!
    Racin' Tacoma Build Thread

  13. #13


    I don't think you should have any issues the way you're storing it now. I have a couple 40lb rolls that are stored in the box, on the shelf, for years, and have not had any issue. S/F.....Ken M
    Lincoln Power MIG 300
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