About 6 months ago I decided to build my own powder coating oven. I had been lurking on several powder coating boards and had seen numerous home built ovens. There really isn't anyone locally doing retail, small part powder coating and I have a couple of car projects that will need parts done. My thinking was to build my own oven for the price it would cost to have my own parts coated and then if I happened to get a few jobs come my way then those would be "profit".
I started out with a pile of 2" X 3.5" metal wall studs from Menards. The oven I am building is approximately 4' wide, 3' deep and 65" tall. It was built to fit under a high shelf on the wall of the shop and be big enough for multiple wheels or a single rear end housing. I framed up the oven last winter, but due to a couple of car projects I have had to hold off on progress. I finally got the cars done last week so I am going to get back on this project this week. At the moment the frame is complete. The door is framed as well, though I need to frame in for an inspection window in the middle. The controller was purchased from TC Coatings (http://www.tccoatings.com/) along with the elements, wiring, pc gun, etc... The exterior metal I cut and bent at a buddy's HVAC shop. I still need to get 2 more pieces cut and bent and I can start installing the metal sheeting and insulation.
Here are the pictures of the framing. I will get more updated pictures this weekend.