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Thread: Just got my lx225, foot pedal issues.

  1. #1

    Default Just got my lx225, foot pedal issues.

    Whats up everyone? I just got my lx225 back after being fixed/replaced. It works as it should, except for the foot pedal. It starts the high frequency and opens the gas valve, but doesn't adjust the amperage. It stays around 15 to 20 or so. It wont even light up, the HF just arcs for a few seconds, even if I floor it. Every thing acts normally with the torch switch.

    It does it in ac and dc. its on 2T and the pluse is off. the pre/post flow and the up/down slope knobs are turned counter clockwise. It has a 47k ohm pot and the belt is still on it... help! anyone have a pinout chart so i know the pedal is wired right? I check the actual resistance and got around 48k ohms.
    Everlast lx225
    Hobart Handler 210 with spool gun
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Thermal Arc 400GMS
    40 amp Northern Tools plasma torch
    130 chicago electric tig welder
    90 amp chicago electric flux mig
    10"-22" Grizzly lathe
    15"-5.5" Grizzly vertical end mill

    In need of nice TIG machine. drooling over PowerTig 250ex

  2. Default

    There's a post around here somewhere that explains what to check on the pedal resistance wise.. I can't remember which pins it is though so I'm no use.

    I remember there are two circuits to check.. one goes up in resistance while the other goes does and vice versa (as the pedal move so of course)
    New to welding!
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  3. #3


    Make sure the cog isn't slipping on the shaft or that it is real hard to turn the pot shaft making the belt itself slip. Yes you should call into tech support so they can walk you through ohming out the pedal.

  4. #4


    from what I found, the pedal seems to be working normally. The switch is between pins 1 and 2. I get OL when the pedal is resting and .6 ohms when its depressed.

    In regards to the pot with the pedal resting, I get 48.80k ohms between pins 3 and 5. I get .7 ohms between pins 3 and 4. I get 48.79k ohms between pins 4 and 5.

    when fully depressed, I still get 48.80k ohms between pins 3 and 5. I get 49.08k ohms between pins 3 and 4. I get 830 ohms between pins 4 and 5.

    I get a smooth increase and decrease in resistance between both pins 3 and 4 and pins 4 and 5. If its a concern to anyone, my meter is a fluke 87-5.

    I'm thinking that maybe a wire has come loose on the connector in the welder.
    Everlast lx225
    Hobart Handler 210 with spool gun
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Thermal Arc 400GMS
    40 amp Northern Tools plasma torch
    130 chicago electric tig welder
    90 amp chicago electric flux mig
    10"-22" Grizzly lathe
    15"-5.5" Grizzly vertical end mill

    In need of nice TIG machine. drooling over PowerTig 250ex

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    Here they are:

    Hope it's not the infamous CD4053. It was that on my one & caused the same symptom. That and it's protection diodes.

    EDIT: Sounds like the pedal is fine then. Could indeed be a loose connection in the welder; wires along the front board or the one that sticks up on the left on the top board (the foot pedal multiplexer). Tech support will walk you through it.

    (If you want to look yourself and you know about high voltage dangers, the easiest way to open the lx225 is to take the back off, then remove all the screws securing the metal clamshell. Don't try to take off the front cover.
    Last edited by Paul Moir; 06-06-2012 at 02:46 AM.

  6. #6


    Thanks paul. I'm quiet comfortable working around high voltage. I've worked on live 480 3-phase circuits before and have an interest in high voltage in general. I think I'm going to have a little look see tomorrow to see what's there.
    Everlast lx225
    Hobart Handler 210 with spool gun
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Thermal Arc 400GMS
    40 amp Northern Tools plasma torch
    130 chicago electric tig welder
    90 amp chicago electric flux mig
    10"-22" Grizzly lathe
    15"-5.5" Grizzly vertical end mill

    In need of nice TIG machine. drooling over PowerTig 250ex

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    Figured since you have an 87-v...

    (All I have is a 175, and that's only recently.)

    Ah, found the picture:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lx225.jpg 
Views:	385 
Size:	147.9 KB 
ID:	6967
    Last edited by Paul Moir; 06-06-2012 at 03:54 AM.

  8. #8


    It looks like it was infamous CD4053. It wasnt updated for it. Thanks for the help. Someone called me last night and diagnosed the issue, but I dont remember his name. sorry. I appreciate the help!
    Everlast lx225
    Hobart Handler 210 with spool gun
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Thermal Arc 400GMS
    40 amp Northern Tools plasma torch
    130 chicago electric tig welder
    90 amp chicago electric flux mig
    10"-22" Grizzly lathe
    15"-5.5" Grizzly vertical end mill

    In need of nice TIG machine. drooling over PowerTig 250ex

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by welderdude View Post
    It looks like it was infamous CD4053. It wasnt updated for it. Thanks for the help. Someone called me last night and diagnosed the issue, but I dont remember his name. sorry. I appreciate the help!
    was me .. thank you for doing pics late night
    Oleg Gladshteyn
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  10. #10


    Some times I wonder about my self. No problem on the pictures. I'm just glad its not a major issue.
    Everlast lx225
    Hobart Handler 210 with spool gun
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Thermal Arc 400GMS
    40 amp Northern Tools plasma torch
    130 chicago electric tig welder
    90 amp chicago electric flux mig
    10"-22" Grizzly lathe
    15"-5.5" Grizzly vertical end mill

    In need of nice TIG machine. drooling over PowerTig 250ex

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