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So I'm stocking up, as most things coming my way won't be obvious till they get here, and LWS are closed weekends (my shop-time).
So the 200DX doesn't like E6010, how about 6011, 6013, 7014, 7018? I love 7018, but unless I can find a decent oven that won't spin my utility meter, having any quantity on hand is out for a while (working on a low vacuum storage device, may be a future posted project, pull vacuum and seal, or vacuum then argon fill)
What would you have on hand? 1/16, 3/32, 1/8 in one or all three, any others?
I'm stocking up on TIG supplies too, 1/16, 3/32 ER70S2 on hand, as well as 023 and 030 ER70S6 MIG wire (brand name), picking up some 4043 and 5356 in those same sizes this week. Stainless, silicon bronze, aluminum bronze, etc. will have to wait for another paycheck or two.
And remember, I'm not a noob, just rusty. It's been a few years since I was in the USN, and what I did there was strictly regulated, so there wasn't an 'on hand' supply for fixing mowers, trailers, car parts, etc. to figure out.