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Thread: Wire size question...?

  1. #1

    Default Wire size question...?

    I've been using my IMIG200 with .030 wire in it, 2lb. spools. I'm almost out of my last 2lb. .030 wire and I have an 11lb. roll of .035.
    The .030 wire is all I've used in this welder so this is why I'm asking about the .035.
    I weld thinner material, 1/16", 1/8"..maybe 3/16"... Will the .035 wire be ok to run or should I save it and go get some .030?

    I just don't want to load an 11lb. spool and then have to take it out mid roll if it doesn't work for me...
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  2. #2


    OK... I re-read the above post....

    I know the wire will work fine. I'm just wondering if I'm better off with the thinner wire since most of what I weld is 1/8" or less...
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  3. #3


    1/16 welded with .035 on my i mig 205 , Click image for larger version. 

Name:	engine rebuild and installs.jpg 
Views:	755 
Size:	138.4 KB 
ID:	7108 for exhaust and thin stuff i love .023 . .030 just seems just a tad thick for exhaust tubing welding but works ok .
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 06-13-2012 at 09:39 PM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  4. #4


    So I would probably be better off sticking with the .030 !??!
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  5. #5


    I would if welding 1/16 and 1/8 .035 is sorta a pain to weld thin stuff with , found a place that sells .023 rollers on ebay he ships usa
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 06-13-2012 at 11:33 PM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  6. #6


    Rod, turn the gas on or get out of the wind man. hahahaha..

    CGCINC, We here (not at Everlast, I actually weld too) always run .030 in the IMIG-200. Never fails. It will run .035 (change volts and wire speed). But I like .030 with that unit. The 205 and 250, they have a little more power and the .035 works well. Burned a lot of .030 in the IMIG250P as well.

    But the IMIG200, I would get 11lbs of .030 myself. And you mentioned all thin metals, or pretty thin. My thoughts anyway.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  7. #7


    I run .035 since all most everything i weld is 1/4 or larger , since have my lincoln with .023 for thin stuff
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  8. #8


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	engine rebuild and installs 001.jpg 
Views:	696 
Size:	140.4 KB 
ID:	7109its the 2 big swamp coolers running lol big boys 8500 cfm coolers should of saw me getting that big cooler over my door way lol
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 06-13-2012 at 11:47 PM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Rodsmachineshop View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	engine rebuild and installs 001.jpg 
Views:	696 
Size:	140.4 KB 
ID:	7109its the 2 big swamp coolers running lol big boys 8500 cfm coolers should of saw me getting that big cooler over my door way lol
    Too funny. I see where the draft is coming from there. I have the same setup but smaller.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #10


    yey have it ducted in the back to draw fresh air from the door way , it was darn hot today need to put some roof vents in to let the hot air escape in the ceiling area
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  11. #11


    I run .035, I've never tried anything else! Sounds like a spool gun may be a good option for you.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
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  12. #12


    Run .030 wire, keep the .035 on the shelf, it'll keep until you get a heavy metal project where it's worth switching. S/F....Ken M
    Lincoln Power MIG 300
    Everlast 160STH
    Miller 225 Thunderbolt (sold it)
    Lincoln Squarewave 175 TIG(traded it for)
    Miller DEL 200 welder/genset
    Thermal Dynamics 1250XL plasma cutter
    Miller XMT300

  13. #13


    Store the smaller spools in zip lock bags, press air out with some silica bags. Should last a long time.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  14. #14



    Cyberweld has an 11lb. roll of .030 Harris wire for $40.80 plus shipping... Good price?

    Where do you guys buy at besides the local welding shop, they are high priced on spools.
    Last edited by CGCINC; 06-14-2012 at 07:34 PM.
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  15. Default

    In a pinch I have bought rolls of wire from Harbor Freight. I'm no professional or anything but it seemed to weld just fine. I normally run .035" wire and it works pretty well except for thin exhaust tubing or sheet metal work. Then the .023" is pretty nice to have around.

    Everlast Powertig 200DX
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  16. #16

    Default I think is the guy. Wire is low cost and I have had 0 problems. But I got them on sale, bought other things, to the shipping did not kill me.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post I think is the guy. Wire is lot cost and I have had 0 problems. But I got them on sale, bought other things, to the shipping did not kill me.
    Wow, $25 for an 11lb. roll at weldingcity. How do you know what brand wire it is???
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  18. #18

    Default 's brick and mortar building is my LWS(EWS Welding). 12.5lbs spool of Lincoln Super arc is $30 plus S&H. Walkup sales are slightly cheaper than listed internet prices. S/F.....Ken M
    Lincoln Power MIG 300
    Everlast 160STH
    Miller 225 Thunderbolt (sold it)
    Lincoln Squarewave 175 TIG(traded it for)
    Miller DEL 200 welder/genset
    Thermal Dynamics 1250XL plasma cutter
    Miller XMT300

  19. #19


    wow get a 44 pound roll 035 wire for 49 bucks at my local parts store
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by CGCINC View Post
    Wow, $25 for an 11lb. roll at weldingcity. How do you know what brand wire it is???
    I paid $10 for 11lb spools on a sale last Dec.. Was like a 2 for one. No problems with the wire at all.

    On the brand. What brand wire is the Harbor Freight wire? Lincoln wire is made in Mexico, not sure what the name of the factory is there either, but it is stamped on the box.

    I've used his stuff and no problems. The 2% lanthanated tungsten is rock solid too.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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