This is the first time I have ever used a welder. I was practicing on 1/8 steel and 1/8th aluminum plate on 120v. I was having a tough time with the steel and did not realize that although I was using the pedal it was only acting as an on off switch. I accidentally had the switch set to panel and was getting aver 100 amps.
I corrected the foot pedal issue and tried out some aluminum. This was weird, it has a much different sound that dc and is a lot louder. I could not get a good arc unless I flat footed the pedal. Any thing less than 100% pedal and acr seemed to go everywhere but the aluminum with lots of popping. At full pedal every thing was fine, and I could back off once the aluminum started to flow. I did my best to keep the tungsten about 1/8th from the base metal. The third picture is aluminum. Can you guys give me some pointers?
The title should be power tig 185 not 180, can a mod change it please?