Any CK dealer can get the CK SL2-35-LG for you even though they don't list it... they can get any CK part for that matter. Just call weldfabulous or send them an email. I really like the CK wedge collets.
Any CK dealer can get the CK SL2-35-LG for you even though they don't list it... they can get any CK part for that matter. Just call weldfabulous or send them an email. I really like the CK wedge collets.
Links to my welding projects > : Spray Arc with the 250p : Coldsaw Stand : Welding Cart : Heavy Duty Rolling Shelf : Taller Bandsaw
2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw
I believe Everlast is now a CK dealer or distributor or similar. Probably can buy a kit that will work from Oleg.
Everlast 200DX
Everlast PT185
Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)
Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile
Links to my welding projects > : Spray Arc with the 250p : Coldsaw Stand : Welding Cart : Heavy Duty Rolling Shelf : Taller Bandsaw
2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw
This was posted on much as I don't care for facebook...
A relatively new development, Everlast is proud to announce that we have become an OEM supplier of C-K torches so our customers will have a better selection of quality torches and accessories at their disposal directly through us. C-K has a rich tradition of providing top notch quality and service. We believe that this will help extend our product line and improve the versatility of our units and will continue to build our reputation as a major force in the welding industry. We’ll be able to provide a better selection for the customer to choose from, while offering excellent prices on the C-K product. We’ll have one of the best torch selections of any manufacturer. While we are getting up to speed with the new product line, we encourage you to give us a call about any product you are interested in. While in the process, our cooperation with C-K we’ll be developing special, ready to go packages for customers so the torches are 100% compatible for the units right away. This venture combined with our existing offering of US made foot pedals from SSC industries for our units as an optional feature will allow our customers to enjoy a more complete and enriching experience with Everlast. If you have any questions, or requests about the new developments, feel free to call us at ext 201 or 204 for further information. We’ll be glad to hear from you and look forward to seeing how else we can add to our line to service our customers.
Everlast 200DX
Everlast PT185
Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)
Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile
That's great news, thanks.
Links to my welding projects > : Spray Arc with the 250p : Coldsaw Stand : Welding Cart : Heavy Duty Rolling Shelf : Taller Bandsaw
2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw
That is a rather odd mix of parts for that torch. I'm not even sure they fit together. The shorty reverse collets usually go with the short body which is CK-6CB332. The CK-2CB332 is the standard length version. As a rule you usually match up the numbers, 6C collets go with 6CB collet bodies, and 2C collets, go with 2CB collet bodies. But the reverse collets are somewhat specialized and not commonly used, they don't transfer heat quite as well and unless you really are fighting space, you would be better served with standard length parts. I've only seen them used in the 24 torch which has no back cap and has to use reverse collets. In addition for things like roll cages, and tubing joints, the length of the torch head is probably not as critical as the amount of tungsten stickout to let you get into tight joints. For that you might want to look into a gas lens setup instead CK-2GL332. Also if you do need a short setup, be sure to get the short back cap, CK-200S.
EDIT: I just looked up the CK chart and sure enough you can use reverse collets with standard collet bodies, but they would be too long to use the 8A6 cups on them. So the parts I didn't think would fit, will, and the parts I thought would fit, won't. Net result is the same, you can't use that mix of parts.
Check out the full chart at CK, for what fits what.
Last edited by Rambozo; 03-20-2013 at 03:26 AM. Reason: Had to go look
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!
I was going off the spec sheet I found on the ck website for the 2 series torch in a short configuration. Look here and click on the 2 series accessories and consumables link.
Thanks for the tip on a gas saver kit ill get one of those too, but I really think a short head would be helpful in a lot of circumstances.
will this gas saver kit work, would i need anything else to go with it?
CK D2GS332-P Gas Saver Kit for 3/32". w/Pyrex Cup
On the page you linked to, you can also see that 8A6 cups must be used with the 6CB collet bodies.
You can use that gas saver kit, but you can also use the normal gas lenses with the screw on cups. For example a 2AG6 cup with a 2GL332 gas lens and a 2C332 collet.
Be aware that although the short hardware does make the torch smaller, it's not much in the 2 series, maybe 1/4" or less. The real difference is when you are using the 3 series, then the short parts are much shorter than the normal. The thing with short parts is that they don't dissipate the heat as well so you have to back down the amps, shorten your welding time, or both. They are great when needed but not the hardware you want to leave on all the time. For example on a 17 torch you can go with about 150 amps, but with short hardware anything over 100 amps starts to overheat things pretty quickly. With water cooled torches this isn't as much of an issue, but with gas cooled, it happens a lot faster. I thought I had a better example, but here you can see how the cup actually starts to melt down from too much heat. If the cup melts, bits of it will fall into your weld puddle and you won't be happy.
If you are new to TIG welding I would advise starting with standard parts, either regular or gas lens. There is a reason they are the standard. They will be much more forgiving and easier to learn with. Once you have more actual welding time, you will better know when to use more exotic parts. For real tight places, like inside intake runners, you will want to use a 24 torch anyway.
Checkout Welding Tips and Tricks for examples of how a regular gas lens will let you extend the tungsten to get into tubing joint corners. That will be make a much greater difference than torch length. And switching back caps will shorten your torch by over an inch, so do that for sure. The downside is that you have to run a super short tungsten that you will not be able to regrind more than a few times before it's too short to fit. Not the best thing for someone just learning as you will probably be regrinding your tungsten quite a bit until you get enough practice. You should get plenty of practice on things that don't need perfect welds, and be sure of your skills, before moving on to something like a rollcage where lives are on the line.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!
"The notorious forum spamming troll."
Maybe a true trafimet. They have had a flex lock type for a while. Someone may have rebagged a sample?
877-755-9353 x204
M-F 9am - 5pm EST
I didn't know that Trafimet made those. I went to the website and searched the pdf doc TIG section. I didnt see the product listed or any flex loc head. Well if we can figure this out Im willing to give it to whoever can use it. I love the CK flex loc and will buy the genuine 17 style head that I need.
So in other words it is useless to me.
Spam complete.
"The notorious forum spamming troll."
I sent some photos over to CK. Jeff and Bonnie helped me out. Great folks.
Jeff says,"Mystery solved. The head that you shown in your picture is not our 150 amp Flex-Loc head. That is a replacement head for a WP150 modular torch system by Weldcraft. The screw on threads that attaches the head to the body is much larger than our Flex-Loc. The part number for the head in your picture is 1726. Our replacement head for 150 amps is part number FL3L. Two different animals altogether."
If anyone has the torch system described, PM me or reply and Ill send it to you, or back to Everlast. First come first serve!
"The notorious forum spamming troll."
Received my FL150 from everlast and didn't realize that I needed to order a Dinse connector, I was assuming since he asked if I needed it to fit my 225lx it would be a total solution. Ohh well... Need to order the Dinse connector, 2 series head, and whole bunch of consumables....
Everlast PowerTIG 225LX
Everlast Power IMIG 200
I would like to say that after my WP-9 burnt up I was on the market for a new and better torch and I came across this one.I did a couple research on this torch and so far I was getting great reviews so I sat out to find one.Searched and found that weld fabulous have the kit with torch,9 head and flex hose for $143.21 which was the cheapest I could find.
Last Friday night I received a email from saying they are having a moving clearance sale so I said to my self (its the perfect time to buy my CK flexloc).I rushed to their website and found my kit CKFL1312NSF for 15% less and I said well I might as well get it now because I will not find it for this price again,so I clicked add to cart and for some reason it wont add to my cart and gives me a error even though its showing one available.Close my browser and reopened it and tried again and got the same problem.I said why not search eBay?, so i did and came across a flexloc body for $20 free shipping so I bought it in a heart beat and went back on and found the wp9 head Part# CKFL2L for $38.94 with 10% off so I grabbed it.
After 1 week I got all parts in the mail and this weekend I assembled them,remind you I still have my good super flex CK hose that I was using with my wp9 flex torch before it died.Completed the assembly and run a couple beads on some aluminum parts and I must say I am very impressed and would recommend this torch to any and every one that owns a tig welder.Nice steady arc,35% more visibility of the tungsten and the puddle,less propping needed,very comfortable feel while welding and a distinct sound of the argon gas leaving the head which helps me remember to leave the tungsten near the weld for proper cooling.So at the end of it all I got my flexloc for $56 after shipping which makes me very happy and even more happier after seeing how it performs.
Last edited by watercooler; 06-01-2013 at 11:45 PM.
Everlast also sells CK, just call sales.
Links to my welding projects > : Spray Arc with the 250p : Coldsaw Stand : Welding Cart : Heavy Duty Rolling Shelf : Taller Bandsaw
2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw
Looks like you scored a good one! I get nervous when I buy bits and pieces from different places that need to go together. I'm always afraid I won't get the exact pieces I expected or that one small piece of the puzzle is overlooked and I'm without.
I think it is time for me to call up Everlast sales and see if I can get me one of those flexloc torches!![]()