Yes. The MIG is a gas welder, but it's only 90A so there isn't a whole lot I can weld with it. It did work well to reattach the wheels to that mower deck I did two weeks ago though. The TIG got moved to my brother's in WV, so I don't have it here anymore. And it was limited to very thin metal as well. The alternator was a 90A unit, but the max output I measured with a clamp-on meter was about 75-80A. I have no ability to do any stick welding at the moment, and there is a lot of work to be done with stick, there are a lot of farmers in the area that are in need of on-site, stick welding, repairs(I have a 10,000W generator). And a lot of the other work that I have been asked about is aluminum work, and precision steel work that just requires a TIG welder. There are other welding shops in the area that do many different kinds of work, but most of them won't do aluminum, and 1/2 of them won't take on small individual jobs. That is the niche I'm trying to fill. Doing aluminum work, small jobs for individuals, precision work, and some mobile repairs. There is plenty of work in those areas for me to do if I can get the machine. With the equipment I got right now, I'm very limited as to the types of repairs I am able to do because I don't want to do any shoddy work because I know that my small MIG is notorious for producing cold welds if the material is too thick. I also don't want to take on a job that I _think_ my machine can handle, then find out half-way through the job that I need to weld something that is too thick for my machine, then end up having to tell my customer that I was wrong and I can't finish the job because my equipment isn't up to the task. I don't want to open the doors to my shop when I'm not really prepared to do the type of work that is being asked of me to do.
Also, thanks for the heads-up about the insurance thing. I'll be absolutely sure to look into getting some type of insurance so I'm able to cover my ###. I'm still not going to be taking on "high-risk" jobs even if I do have insurance. I know that will limit some jobs I can take, but sometimes you just have to know when to tell somebody, "No."
Brad George
George's Welding & Repair
Amateur at TIG, MIG, and General Fabrication.
Current Equipment
AIRCO Heliwelder IV 300Amp Model - Total Awesomeness!
Hobart Handler 120v MIG