I did a strange repair. There was a weld involved, so here it is. An in-wall folding ironing board was steam damaged and the pivot bolt tore out the bottom. Not the greatest design.
I decided to make something a bit larger to hold it in. I cut a plug to fill the damaged area and cut out a plate for the top. Turned a step on the plug for the top plate to press on and drilled and tapped the center for a new pivot bolt. Bored a center hole in the top plate and drilled and countersunk some attachment holes. Chamfered the plug and the plate to create a groove for the weld.
Pressed the plate on and welded it. My TIG gloves were somewhere else so I thought I could do without. Started out ok, but got a lil too hot near the end and burning fingers got kinda shakey. Oh well. 3/32 tungsten and about 150 Amps did the trick.
Machined down the excess.
Bore out the damaged MDF, and install the new part.
That should outlast everything else on this. I'll put a couple of coats of varnish on, so the steam doesn't do more damage.
Not exactly a welding project, but...