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Thread: New PowerTig 250 ex owner

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Southwest Idaho

    Default New PowerTig 250 ex owner


    I just got a PowerTig 250 ex last Friday. So far I managed to un-box it, fit a plug to it, power it up, no smoke, and burn a stick each of 6010 and 7018. This week end I intend to try the TIG side of things, some steel and aluminum.

    I am strictly a hobby welder, a mechanical engineer by degree, a software engineer by vocation. Early years, stick AC, then stick DC, followed by MIG. I did some tig welding on aluminum a significant number of years ago using a beast of machine, I am thinking a Miller, though it may have been a Hobart. It had high frequency start for steel and continuous HF for Aluminum plus a water cooled torch. Before my wife bought me the Miller Thunderbolt for my birthday, I used a home brew portable engine driven alternator welder for stick and Tig. I got an air cooled Tig torch and made a foot control pedal for the unit and did scratch start steel welding. It actually works pretty good. I even managed to Tig weld copper tubing (a 2 inch diameter chunk). Copper was really pushing my rig as it was only good for around 110 amps. Copper is a tremendous heat sink. No I didn't have to tig weld the copper, mostly I wanted to see if I could. Later I bought a Lincoln SP-130T Mig welder. It is the 220 volt version of the Lincoln portable stuff you see at Home Depot. I think they are up to a SP-180T model as its replacement.

    I have built and fixed a lot of stuff with the Mig unit. Lately I have been wanting to do some tig welding on steel and aluminum and I really don't like all the noise and fuss of running my portable engine driven rig so I started looking at Tig welders. I started with the Miller Diversion 185 trying to understand how Tig welding has changed over the years and adjust for the price heartburn. I spent some time on weldingTricksAndTips and liked what Jody said about the 250 ex. Assuming it works as advertised I think it will be more welder than I will ever grow into.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Washington State


    Congratulations on your new purchase! By all accounts, the 250ex is a very capable machine. I'm certain you will be very pleased. Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay. A lot of great people and information here. Cheers!
    Is it OK to want to break something just so that you can weld it back together?

    Everlast PowerTIG 185 Micro IGBT AC/DC Welder

  3. #3


    Congratulations on your new 250EX ... if you like it half as much as I like my 200DX you will be thrilled with it.
    Powertig 200DX
    Lincoln 180c
    Hobart Handler 125
    Miller Thunderbolt
    and a bunch of other tools

  4. Default

    Geez, did you say your wife bought you a welder for your birthday? You've got a GOOD one! Buy her a nice cordless drill and an extra battery so she can help you with your projects.

  5. #5


    The 250ex is a Wonderful welder!! I love mine!!

    Welcome to the Everlast...growing family!
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Southwest Idaho


    Quote Originally Posted by Slartybartfa View Post
    Geez, did you say your wife bought you a welder for your birthday? You've got a GOOD one! Buy her a nice cordless drill and an extra battery so she can help you with your projects.
    Yes she is a good partner in life. I didn't have to buy her a nice cordless drill, we have a wheel barrow load of them already. At the moment she wants to get a new weed wacker. She maintains our Oleo ranch (one of the cheaper spreads), 55 acres of sage brush and pasture. My wife and I built our own home so she is no stranger to tools and projects. She even has done a bit of welding, not her thing, though she said she wanted to try the 250 ex.


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