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Thread: boogers and peanut butter welds but a lot of fun...Means are justified by the ends...

  1. Default boogers and peanut butter welds but a lot of fun...Means are justified by the ends...

    I just though I'd throw a propject on the board since I love my 205 so much...
    I used a spool-gun and SS wire and standard shield gas (90-10) although the welds are dark and ugly pentration was great... A lot of the stands are buildt with old bed rails, ths is 316L no paint or rust... The tops of the kegs were cut out with a Jig I made (the first one took about 40 minutes using a dremel, 2"inch cut off and 4" grinder) The first jig cut took about 30 sec using plasma....The kid designed the stand with some sugjestings from me... I think working with metal and working your sons in the garage.... doesn't get any better.... And really now,,,, when they're old enough to enjoy a cigar and some ice cold home brew......

    here's the link....
    Last edited by zoama; 07-19-2012 at 06:17 PM. Reason: Repaired your link

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Looks pretty good there, pitbull. As long as the brew is tasty you won't get any comments from me about the appearance of the welds!

    So I guess when I finally get around to ticking "brew own beer" off my list, now I will need to build something like that. So many projects, so little time.

    Oh, and welcome to the forum!
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

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