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Thread: Cutting Expanded Sheet Metal

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by GWD View Post
    The PP50 has a pilot arc but it must not be working based on your description. I notice that nobody from Everlast support has chimed in to this thread yet so maybe one of them can come up with an answer.

    Does your PP50 establish a pilot arc when the torch is started in mid-air? (Not recommended except for a test.) That should tell you if the pilot arc is working.

    I have a PP70 that zips through expanded metal without a problem because the pilot arc stays lit in the gaps. The pilot arc does increase consumable wear from what I understand but since I don't cut NEARLY what you do I can't tell much difference in wear.
    Yes my pilot arc seems to be working. I can try to post a video of it going through the exp metal. I would love to see a video of yours cutting.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by fdcmiami View Post
    it seems you would go broke buying consumables for that much cutting and it still would be slow. maybe if you locked a straight edge in a position that would allow you to move down the center of the v's a little more quickly that would work. there are many ways to deal with this you'll have to find the most cost effective on for you.
    Well that is a good point. Even if the plasma was cost effective for this application, attaining a tight tolerance without burning out the vee is another story, plus the slag would take much longer to clean up than the burr from a cutoff wheel.

    Do you honestly think I should just by more dust masks and a bulk load of cutting wheels and quit whining? Lol

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by fdcmiami View Post
    ok, have you considered contacting a sheet metal shop and paying the shop rate for the use of the shear? if you are cutting that much material (it seems, working the numbers quickly, that there is quite a bit of waste) you would be far better off having your rectangles cut and doing the details yourself. what is it about plasma that new guys think it is the holy grail.

    Here is what sold me on this plasma cutter straight from the everlast website:

    The Power Plasma line from EVERLAST offers premium cut quality and cut thickness at one of the best prices in the industry. The 50 - 100 amperage line of plasma cutters has one of the widest ranges of plasma cutters available, in 1 and 3 phase designs.

    Each model comes ready to cut, with water trap, air connection, extra consumables and lengthy power cord. If you need to cut aluminum or stainless steel, the pilot arc technology delivers consistent cuts. It also excels at cutting expanded metal quickly without the delay of having to restart the arc every time, so that cutting speed is maintained without interruption.

    Commercial duty cycles of 60% at maximum amperage allow you to keep cutting for extended periods of time without stopping or taking cool down breaks. If you do overextend the duty cycle, the unit is equipped with over-current / overheat protection to prevent costly failures. Take a look at the power plasma generator performance and design by viewing these videos.[read more...]

    That is exactly what mine does NOT do. You have to wait for the arc to restart every time. It is a pain. Not how the website describes it unless there is something wrong with my machine. So this is to answer your question above.

  4. Default

    yes, i've cut loads of it; for gratings, machine guards, in lieu of bars for breakin protection (they rarely try to cut and climb through this stuff. lol) is you material flattened? i buy from these people, here is a link to their catalogue.

    give them a call. the problem with looking for answers on these boards is that a lot of the poster's do not come from a heavy industrial background they give you an answer that would work for a hobbyist.

    your problem can be solved, i know it for a fact, but you are going to have to do the legwork.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by fdcmiami View Post
    yes, i've cut loads of it; for gratings, machine guards, in lieu of bars for breakin protection (they rarely try to cut and climb through this stuff. lol) is you material flattened? i buy from these people, here is a link to their catalogue.

    give them a call. the problem with looking for answers on these boards is that a lot of the poster's do not come from a heavy industrial background they give you an answer that would work for a hobbyist.

    your problem can be solved, i know it for a fact, but you are going to have to do the legwork.
    Thanks. Yes it is flattened. I think we posted at about the same time, can you read my previous post and tell me what you think?

  6. Default

    thinking about it but not knowing your cut sizes, a vertical bandsaw might work. i have cut expanded in the field with a sawzall and a jig saw. just a thought.

  7. Default

    as i have said, i have cut a lot of it. what you want is a common request and it is commonly done procedure but you need some background in shear operation to visualize the process.

    you'll get there....or go broke buying cutoff wheels.

  8. Default

    I can visualize the process. I can also hear what my local metal distributor said and that is what has been in my mind all this time. What size shear? I'll buy one.

  9. #29


    The pilot arc should relight without reengergizing the arc with the trigger. There is a noticeable difference in the arc though. IF the arc is going out completely there is something wrong. You may try adjusting your air flow/pressure though. What size air compressor are you using? What air pressure are you trying to cut at?

  10. Default

    60 psi. Small HF 2 1/2 gallon air compressor dedicated to the plasma cutter. I can hold the trigger and it will rearc after a second, but it stumbles before the next rearc by making half of an arc, and then it gets going again if you see what I'm saying. If I move slowly it does better about not half arcing first. Best I can describe it is as a stumble before each cut through the vee,.

  11. #31


    Small HF 2 1/2 gallon air compressor that wont cut it for a plasma cutter not big enough compressor cfm
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  12. #32
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by xtreme cartz View Post
    Small HF 2 1/2 gallon air compressor dedicated to the plasma cutter.
    The PP50 spec calls for 3.5cfm, it's doubtful that small compressor can keep up with the demand.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  13. #33


    That spec is for minimum cutting as well @ 90 psi, not 40. For best results, it will need 5 or better.

    I can't tell you how many people try the 2.5 pancakes and are MISERABLY disappointed with the results.

  14. #34


    I recently purchased the PP50 and just cut some expanded metal the other day...Buzzed right through like butter!
    My compressor is a 33gallon and rated at 5.3cfm
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  15. Default

    That's my bad it is the 2hp 8 gallon compressor. I dont know why I said 2.5(besides for how it looks that small compared to my large compressors)! The compressor has no issue keeping up with the plasma. I love this plasma cutter for everything I cut except expanded metal. Wish more of our products used solid steel, life would be easy! Lol

  16. Default

    Maybe I set the PSI on the plamsa too low, 60-65 PSI? I can cut continuously and the gauge on the cutter never falls below 60.

  17. #37
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    Apr 2012
    Washington State


    Quote Originally Posted by xtreme cartz View Post
    Maybe I set the PSI on the plamsa too low, 60-65 PSI? I can cut continuously and the gauge on the cutter never falls below 60.
    Every diagnostic test should begin with removing the obvious. It's a pain but it might help move the process along. I know you said the pilot arc seems to be working but we need to ensure it is working as it should. You were going to post a video?
    Is it OK to want to break something just so that you can weld it back together?

    Everlast PowerTIG 185 Micro IGBT AC/DC Welder

  18. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodsmachineshop View Post
    I like the worm gear drive skill saw since turns slower works great for cutting aluminum with a carbide blade. Just wear goggle aluminum fly's every were lol
    hate to hijack a thread but it never hurts to let people know what they can do with a cheap saw. here's some pics of a doubler plate i made to mount a horn on an aluminum workboat. it is 1/2 by 6 AL/FB.

    to the OP; 15 sheets is a good amount of expando to be cutting daily. volume frequently drives tooling choice, to me it sounds like you're a little under tooled.

    a shear's cost is dependent on a number of factors but if i was doing 60 sheets of exp metal a week i'd be looking at alternatives. if you search google , cutting exp metal with plasma you will pull up a number of threads dealing with this. some of the poster's use it successfully. i worked for some very big, high end job shops so i am, or have been accustomed to some serious metal working machinery.

    good luck, skip it, if it's working for you then that's good enough.
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    Last edited by fdcmiami; 07-27-2012 at 09:40 PM.

  19. Default

    Those saws do work pretty good for cutting flat bar and plate. We're a small company about 5 yrs old started from the ground up, have been manufacturing for about 2 yrs and are growing very quickly recently due to the attention we pay to producing high quality products and customer service. Being such a young company we are faced with having to step up our facilities to match increasing demand. Our profit margins are tight. In the past we had some sheets cut by other companies, but with overseas competition we need to keep all of our manufacturing in house. I hope to build a CNC plasma table soon and increase consistancy on our products that have 16ga sheet metal. Most of the specialty equipment we use I have built myself including our electric hydraulic tube bending machine.

    The angle grinder believe it or not works for exp metal, but I would like to find a better way.

  20. Default

    Here's a go at my video. If I move slow enough like this it doesnt stumble. Everything looks to be working right.

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