Here are a few pics of the cargo bed lift i built with the repaired actuator, I used an ATV Winch solenoid to apply the forward and reverse power $29.95 shipped, i did break down and get the Deere Up Down Switch with the bed logo's on it ( So everyone knows what the switch is for) $23.00 I had a 2 foot piece of 2x2x3/16 angle for the mount and one 22" piece of 3" channel for the main lift beam.Cut the angles down to 3/4"x2 with the plasma drilled a couple of holes. Fitted these to the bed and tacked the channel to them took some measurements drilled the top actuator pin hole. Did a test fit welded it w my Millermatic 200
added a little paint wiring and it worked just fine (Deere has generic wiring on most things and a lot of wires are right there to use) , Better than my cost at Deere of $642.00 plus install.