Had a guy approach me to build a leg press for his gym.
He was looking at one that cost $1600 but is wondering if I can build like quality for less.(I'm in the range of $800 for all the materials...rollers, upholstery, steel, misc. and of course the 10% more that always creeps up)
My hold up on saying yes to building it is making sure the sled assembly glides smoothly and not bind up from side to side.
I planned on using these leg press rollers here... http://www.fitnessrepairparts.com/ca...wItem/58000221
I'm just not sure that if I made a track for them to ride in, they would roll smoothly or what the best way to approach it is?
Also, would I need a smaller adjustable wheel underneath the track to hold the wheels against the rail as the person pushed the sled up?
This pic is of a leg press basically like what I would build. You can see the track on the far side the wheels roll in.