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Thread: Canadian Warranty?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Winnipeg MB Canada

    Default Canadian Warranty?

    I have been looking at your products and website for a while now and just found the Canadian site. On it claims 5 year warranty but when I visit I see that up north we only get a 3 year limited warranty.

    Whats up?


  2. Default

    I think i can answer this Question for you.
    We opted to keep our retail prices lower as the typical Canadian retailer tends to have far higher prices than the same product available in the US.
    I have never liked this as a consumer and with this in mind we decided to still offer a very good warranty at 3 years and still maintain a affordable product for our Customers.

  3. Default

    Your prices should be the same as the US prices. last time I looked dollar was at par or higher. Why would anyone buy from a Cdn dealer when you can buy it cheaper and get the 5 year warranty which I think you need lately.

  4. #4


    2 rods,

    The difference is that you don't have to pay shipping and customs into Canada from the US which will more than make up for the difference in price I can assure you. Any warranty issues will have to be handled across the borders as well. Quite frankly your on your own for shipping both ways and any customs duties.

    There are differences in operation, units carried and some other things that make the Canadian division with a slightly different price structure.

    Also the US division will normally send the customer back to the Canadian division any way to make a purchase. There are legal/customs/ and other issues involved as to why.

  5. Default

    Shipping is free either way. Only pay taxes when going across border. May save on PST when buying in Canada if from a different province than the seller but after July we all pay the same tax. You can't send me to buy from the Canadian dealer when I have a US address.

  6. #6


    Shipping is NOT free either way. Shipping is free only to US addresses in the 48 states. You pay return shipping if you have a unit issue which is also a consideration and we will only ship back to a US address. We do not knowingly wish or want to sell to the Canadian market since we have a full fledged distributor there already.

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