Little shop project
I've had this portable A/C unit that every so often decides to leak water all over the place. I've had it apart about a half a dozen times to fix this and that, but it will always find a new way to leak. My final solution was to put a baking sheet under it. It can go weeks with nothing, then one day the pan will be full. I have a drain hose on the A/C, but it still leaks in the pan every so often. Sometimes when it's humid the pan will fill just from condensation on the outside. The pan works good, but I have to check it and vacuum out the water from time to time. So, this morning, I decided to finally do something about it.
Since the sides are angled, I welded up a boss to give me the correct angle, and some meat to drill and tap.
Drilled, tapped 1/8 NPT and filed the top flat.
Screwed in a fitting to attach a drain hose to.
1/16" 4043 filler, 1/16 pure tungsten, 20-80 amps with about 15 cfh argon. No idea what the alloy of the baking pan was, but even being pretty thin, it welded nicely. I think this just might win the battle between me and this A/C.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!