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Thread: What Mig size for lots of 3/8 & some 1/2

  1. #1

    Default What Mig size for lots of 3/8 & some 1/2

    Thinking about getting a mig for doing lots of 3/8 thick material and also will do some 1/2 inch stuff with it, currently have an AC buzz box for that size of material but want to switch over to mig. Question is: what are the upper limits for the 200 A and 250A mig machines (thickness wise). My average weld length is about 12 to 15 inches before I stop for a smoke or what ever, so duty cycle could also be an issue.

  2. #2


    Typically, you don't weld that thick of plate in one pass.

    But I'd still recommend the I MIG 250 as it does hold the larger wire sizes and larger roll. 12-15 inches at a time is a quite short period of time for a MIG. Its much faster than stick. Duty cycle shouldn't even be an issue even for the I MIG 200, which will do the job as well, but only good for a 11 lb roll.

  3. #3


    I would also recommend the larger unit if you are going to burn a lot of wire. The larger spools are more cost effective. I like to buy mine in 45#.

  4. #4

    Default Bigger would seem to be better

    Quote Originally Posted by WAYNESWORLD View Post
    I would also recommend the larger unit if you are going to burn a lot of wire. The larger spools are more cost effective. I like to buy mine in 45#.
    Upon reflection, I think you are right, 1/2 inch requires lots of heat for proper penetration, and I want a mig welder that will do that with ease, rather than pushing it near it's upper limit. I have had a Clarke 130 EN for years and it is great on sheet metal and stuff up to 1/8, tacking etc. but now I want something on the order of the imig 250 to replace the old buzz box (thunder bolt)which has seen lots of use and abuse.

  5. Default

    The 250P is definately something you would be happy with if you plan on doing a lot of thicker material.
    I have been playing around with the IMG 200 the last couple of days and i think for my own needs this is perfect , but you also need to keep in mind i rarely go over 1/4" thick . I did however try it on 1/2" and it impressed me ( Although admitedly this is not hard to do ) I am not sure i would choose the 200 if i was planning on doing mostly 1/2" . TheIMIG 250P withthe pulse feature would be a big plus .

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