I know there isn't any welding involved with this repair, but I wasn't sure where else I should put it.

I just got my new 25KOhm 2W Clarostat in the mail today and here in about an hour I will be starting to repair/restore the foot pedal on my Airco Heliwelder IV. The main reason for replacing the potentiometer is because about 2/3 of the way through it's rotation there is a semi-dead-spot where the ohm reading jumps up to around 150-170K for about a 1/32 of a turn. This dead-spot causes a wild fluctuation in the welder's output when the pot crosses this spot. The micro-switch inside the foot pedal is in working condition so it will just be cleaned and reinstalled, although I do have a spare in case it ever craps out. The body of the pedal is steel and is covered in surface rust, so all the electrics will be removed so I have an empty shell and it will be sand blasted and repainted. I will be installing small rubber feet on the bottom of the pedal and a new strip of "traction-tape" on the top. Also, I will be replacing the cable on the pedal with a much more flexible one, as the current one is very stiff, impossible to roll up, and has many spots where the outside coating on the cable has cracked and split and has been taped up and it just over all looks and functions badly. I'll have my camera ready and will be documenting the entire repair and I will update this thread this evening with all the pictures when I get home from the shop. Thanks for watching...