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Hi, new to the site, well been a member for while but haven't posted till now. Just wanted to show you guys some of my practice peices on pulsed tig AC/DC of aluminum and SS on my powermaster 256. Never really did any pulse welding until I bought this machine because my work felt that it wasn't neccessary. Not bad for only 5 years experience. Will have more pictures later this week on actual jobs I need to do on aluminum.
All aluminum welds were done with a 2% 3/32 ceriated tungsten sharpended to a blunt point and was 1/8" 4000 series AL. The ceriated works best on this machine for all AC/DC welding based on all the tungstens I have tested (2% thoriated, 1.5% lanthanated, pure, and zirconium). Plan to eventually put a water cooler on this machine to use either a wp20 or my wp24w torch.