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Thread: hello from ILLINOIS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    rockford, ill

    Red face hello from ILLINOIS

    another Newb. Been in the heating & air conditioning for 30+ years. Due to two major operations, had to retire early. So for extra money I buy, sell, repair, lawnmowers, chainsaw, etc. most anything to make a few dollars. I am fair at gas, stick, mig welding. I can burn a hole in almost anything. I need to learn Tig welding. have to repair mower decks, and some magnesium chainsaw parts. I have on order a 200dx from amazon. UPS shipment made it to Chicago, then got lost, then they shipped it back to Tennesse. So I get to start all over again, waiting for my new welder. Hope to get a lot of help from the members here.
    so hello everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Washington State


    Quote Originally Posted by mogo View Post
    another Newb. Been in the heating & air conditioning for 30+ years. Due to two major operations, had to retire early. So for extra money I buy, sell, repair, lawnmowers, chainsaw, etc. most anything to make a few dollars. I am fair at gas, stick, mig welding. I can burn a hole in almost anything. I need to learn Tig welding. have to repair mower decks, and some magnesium chainsaw parts. I have on order a 200dx from amazon. UPS shipment made it to Chicago, then got lost, then they shipped it back to Tennesse. So I get to start all over again, waiting for my new welder. Hope to get a lot of help from the members here.
    so hello everyone.
    Sorry to hear about your shipment getting lost. If I had my way, I'd never use a courier service but we all know that's next to impossible nowadays .... LOL. If you've visited this forum previously, you'd already know there are some really high caliber people in this forum - a lot of experience, know how and they're friendly too. Some of the Everlast staff are on here quite often too and they're a great deal of help as well. Hope you get your welder soon. The 200DX is an excellent welder. Cheers!
    Is it OK to want to break something just so that you can weld it back together?

    Everlast PowerTIG 185 Micro IGBT AC/DC Welder

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Welcome to the forum mogo!

    I think you will enjoy TIGging, it is quite a refreshing change from the sizzling of the MIG and stick.

    Quote Originally Posted by mogo View Post
    I can burn a hole in almost anything.
    Me too! Isn't it great getting all that experience filling them back in again?!
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

  4. #4


    Welcome from a fellow Noob!
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX (Ordered-Waiting to arrive!)
    Everlast Supercut 50P

    Fortune Favors the bold.

  5. #5


    Welcome and please let us know your progress on learning with the 200dx.
    Miller 210 MIG
    Eagle 3-Cylinder Compressor
    Air Tools
    Body Tools, Shrinker, Stretcher
    Bead Blast Cabinet
    Homebuilt Car Rotisserie

    1971 Dodge Challenger, Pro-Touring, 6.1 Hemi, Fikse Wheels, 335/275 Tires (in progress)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    rockford, ill


    Thanks for the welcome. An update on my tig 200dx order. Ordered from amazon, got lost near Chicago, shipped back to amazon in Tenn. called UPS, called Amazom. Amazon issued a new 200dx order, but now showed out of stock. waited 3 days, not shipped yet. contacted Amazon again, they again said out of stock. still waiting. Now another operator issues a ups pickup at my house. UPS says here to pickup a package, I told him I have nothing. came back next day, told him again, no package pickup . put in an offer on a 200dx at Everlast. Alex calls me and says amazon is selling older models, that is why price is so low. gave me a fair price. I wanted to cancel my order with Amazon first before ordering another 200dx. So I canceled my amazon order. got hold of Everlast the next day ordered 200dx, they kept the price as agreed. contacted amazon to find out when they would refund my money. They are now saying they did not receive the welder back. so no refund. talked to three different operators, same results. Finally got a number to call, gave story, woman checked, and did show they received the welder back. So in the process of getting my money back now. Also got confirmation on my new 200dx has shipped. What a week this has been.

  7. #7


    i return stuff all the time to amazon . returning a golf cart charger rite now since didn't work . they should have sent you a return mailing tag you print on your computer for ups . i always keep them in a file on my computer since has tracking number to check that they got the package and signed for it . neet charger dose 12 Volt, 24 Volt, 36 Volt, 42 Volt, 48 Volt batteryClick image for larger version. 

Name:	41kiwhENshL._SS500_.jpg 
Views:	381 
Size:	28.8 KB 
ID:	7663 set ups
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 08-19-2012 at 05:37 PM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  8. #8


    Welcome ... you are going to love the 200DX ... it's a gr8 machine ... since you've never tigged before I recomend you check out Jody's site he covers a lot of things and has a short (free) introductory course on tig welding. I would keep in mind when you start working with aluminum to remember that the balance setting is the opposite of Miller (good basic setting for Miller would be 65% balance and the frequency at 100Hz) with Everlast go 35% at 100Hz instead, otherwise you will fry your tungsten. Oh yea ... and remember after you end your arc not to lift your torch right away ... keep it over your bead so the argon post flow will shield it from the air until it has solidified ... give it 7 to 10 seconds post flow and about 3 seconds pre flow. I wouldn't worry about down slope to much at this point unless you find you are getting a crater where you stop your bead. For your argon tank don't go any smaller than an 80 cu ft ... better with a 125 or a 150 ... tig uses a lot of gas.

    Good luck and have fun
    Last edited by Winky; 08-28-2012 at 01:04 PM.
    Powertig 200DX
    Lincoln 180c
    Hobart Handler 125
    Miller Thunderbolt
    and a bunch of other tools

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hutchinson Kansas


    Thanks for the welcome. An update on my tig 200dx order. Ordered from amazon, got lost near Chicago, shipped back to amazon in Tenn. called UPS, called Amazom. Amazon issued a new 200dx order, but now showed out of stock. waited 3 days, not shipped yet. contacted Amazon again, they again said out of stock. still waiting. Now another operator issues a ups pickup at my house. UPS says here to pickup a package, I told him I have nothing. came back next day, told him again, no package pickup . put in an offer on a 200dx at Everlast.

    Alex calls me and says amazon is selling older models, that is why price is so low. gave me a fair price.

    If Everlast kept their pictures of the control panel and specifications up to date it would be more obvious that Amazon was selling the old model

    Present as represented on the web PT 200DX specs
    scroll down click on picture of control panel

    2012 Real PT 200DX specs
    scroll down click on picture of control panel

    Present web spec represents PT 200dx with no arc force control

    I wanted to cancel my order with Amazon first before ordering another 200dx. So I canceled my amazon order. got hold of Everlast the next day ordered 200dx, they kept the price as agreed. contacted amazon to find out when they would refund my money. They are now saying they did not receive the welder back. so no refund. talked to three different operators, same results. Finally got a number to call, gave story, woman checked, and did show they received the welder back. So in the process of getting my money back now. Also got confirmation on my new 200dx has shipped. What a week this has been.
    Last edited by bnun12; 08-31-2012 at 01:07 AM.

  10. #10


    Sounds like you've had quite the run around ... Amazon playing games at your expense ...that can really increase anticipation.
    Powertig 200DX
    Lincoln 180c
    Hobart Handler 125
    Miller Thunderbolt
    and a bunch of other tools

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