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Thread: Helmet Shootout: W60 Truesight vs Harbor Freight Blue Flame vs HSL-100 fixed shade

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Washington State


    That IS a great price. Please do share where you found one at that price. Might be enough for even me to pry open my buttoned-down, zippered and locked wallet ....
    Is it OK to want to break something just so that you can weld it back together?

    Everlast PowerTIG 185 Micro IGBT AC/DC Welder

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2012


    As usual, the bay of E. There is a surplus place that puts up a couple a week for the past few months.

    I also have some flashing on the edges of the headgear, but the helmet was all smooth. They updated the sticker on the box to read "Assembled in the USA with domestic and foreign components". But like the manual, this is printed in 2pt flyspeck font.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  3. #43


    PowerTig 200DX
    Supercut 50P
    PowerTig Micro 185 SOLD GREAT MACHINE
    Millermatic 200
    Miller Thunderbolt
    Jet 1340 Lathe
    Jet 20" Drill Press
    Jet 12" Wet Band Saw
    Kalamazoo H7 Bandsaw
    Forward 12,000 lb 4 Post Lift

  4. Default

    Bookmarked that seller. I have two el cheapo helmets I use with my little mig box now, but really want an autodarkening helmet for when I get a tig in a few months. I'll have to keep an eye out for a deal on that Truesight, it looks like an awesome helmet.

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