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Thread: Power Plasma 50 & Torchmate 2 x2

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  1. #1

    Question Power Plasma 50 & Torchmate 2 x2

    Just ordered a torchmate 2x2, to go with my power plasma 50, question is: will they be compatible as the CNC machine doesn't like a highfreq start up. Only time will tell and that won't be for a while, cause the Torchmate won't be delivered for 60 to 90 days due to production back logs.(they are selling like hotcakes).

    I don't see any reason why they won't work together and I will bugging the guys at Everlast and Torchmate for help on setting it up when it comes.

    If there is anybody out there using a Powerplasma 50 in a CNC environment that could be a good source of info as to what issues I might expect.

    Looking forward to hearing from some of our more experienced people.
    Last edited by performance; 01-18-2010 at 06:26 PM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by geezer View Post
    Just ordered a torchmate 2x2, to go with my power plasma 50, question is: will they be compatible as the CNC machine doesn't like a highfreq start up. Only time will tell and that won't be for a while, cause the Torchmate won't be delivered for 60 to 90 days due to production back logs.(they are selling like hotcakes).

    I don't see any reason why they won't work together and I will bugging the guys at Everlast and Torchmate for help on setting it up when it comes.

    If there is anybody out there using a Powerplasma 50 in a CNC environment that could be a good source of info as to what issues I might expect.

    Looking forward to hearing from some of our more experienced people.
    I am sure I can help if you have detailed questions, or I can call you and asks questions. Send info on the Torchmate 2x2. Better send me one .

    The Power Plasma 50 should work fine.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  3. #3


    The PP 50 should work fine for this application. However, you may find some issues in the torch adaptation, unless you fab a holder for the torch. The machine torches we stock are HF only right now. We will be getting other style torches, but right now, you may have to source a contact start machine torch from a torch company.

  4. Default Plasma table


    Could you give me some information on your TorchMate setup? I made my CNC table with the intent of only machining wood and metal. Using it for plasma cutting is a little different and I have little experience with automated plasma cutting.

    Does your setup use a torch height controller on the Z? If not do you just set the Z to a preset height away from the material? Do you have a different pierce and cutting height?

    Does your setup monitor the status of the plasma arc somehow? If so how does the table know if an arc is being maintained or if the arc has dropped out?

    What values are you using, if any, for dwell (I think G4 codes)?

    I machined a holder for the torch and have done some initial experiments with triggering the torch manually and it seems to be ok. I have to get a breakout board and build me some isolated triggers for the torch. If I get some time I will take some snapshots of how I have it mounted now. Maybe we could make some comparisons and I could pick up a few tips?


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by generatorlabs View Post

    Could you give me some information on your TorchMate setup? I made my CNC table with the intent of only machining wood and metal. Using it for plasma cutting is a little different and I have little experience with automated plasma cutting.

    Does your setup use a torch height controller on the Z? If not do you just set the Z to a preset height away from the material? Do you have a different pierce and cutting height?

    Does your setup monitor the status of the plasma arc somehow? If so how does the table know if an arc is being maintained or if the arc has dropped out?

    What values are you using, if any, for dwell (I think G4 codes)?

    I machined a holder for the torch and have done some initial experiments with triggering the torch manually and it seems to be ok. I have to get a breakout board and build me some isolated triggers for the torch. If I get some time I will take some snapshots of how I have it mounted now. Maybe we could make some comparisons and I could pick up a few tips?

    Don't have a torchheight control on it, torch height control costs nearly as much as the 2x2 does. It is not required for most work on such a small foot print as the 2 x 2, my current setup uses the PP 50, I just received my PP 80, the PP 80 should let me punch through 1/2 inch and may require some ajustment on torch height during the inital pierce to keep the wear on consumables down. G & M code ,dwell angle and all the other stuff is done using the torchmate 3 control, cutiing paths male/female are done in their version call TM cadlite, you can draw using any cad progam but setting the male/female entry cuts are best done using their version of cadlite. Bob cad is very popular and can do most anything.
    Checkout the pirate 4x4 website for lots of help on cut set up and problems

    When you use the software you can view everything as the g code is executed line by line. The path on the drawing is followed allowing you to do dry runs, some people have attached small lasers that turn off and on as they simulate the torch in action.

    Torch settings / amps, dwell angle, height etc. etc are variable and a test plate is used to determine speed etc. a small test program file is run changing the speed of cut etc. when you have a decent cut use that info to setup for part cutting on that thickness of material.

    Thing to keep in mind is: it takes roughly 20 amps of power to pierce every 1/8 inch of plate. So if you run CNC buy a big cutter like the pp80

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by generatorlabs View Post

    Could you give me some information on your TorchMate setup? I made my CNC table with the intent of only machining wood and metal. Using it for plasma cutting is a little different and I have little experience with automated plasma cutting.

    Does your setup use a torch height controller on the Z? If not do you just set the Z to a preset height away from the material? Do you have a different pierce and cutting height?

    Does your setup monitor the status of the plasma arc somehow? If so how does the table know if an arc is being maintained or if the arc has dropped out?

    What values are you using, if any, for dwell (I think G4 codes)?

    I machined a holder for the torch and have done some initial experiments with triggering the torch manually and it seems to be ok. I have to get a breakout board and build me some isolated triggers for the torch. If I get some time I will take some snapshots of how I have it mounted now. Maybe we could make some comparisons and I could pick up a few tips?

    Don't have a torchheight control on it, torch height control costs nearly as much as the 2x2 does. It is not required for most work on such a small foot print as the 2 x 2, my current setup uses the PP 50, I just received my PP 80, the PP 80 should let me punch through 1/2 inch and may require some ajustment on torch height during the inital pierce to keep the wear on consumables down. G & M code ,dwell angle and all the other stuff is done using the torchmate 3 control, cutiing paths male/female are done in their version call TM cadlite, you can draw using any cad progam but setting the male/female entry cuts are best done using their version of cadlite. Bob cad is very popular and can do most anything.
    Checkout the pirate 4x4 website for lots of help on cut set up and problems

    When you use the software you can view everything as the g code is executed line by line. The path on the drawing is followed allowing you to do dry runs, some people have attached small lasers that turn off and on as they simulate the torch in action.

    Torch settings / amps, dwell angle, height etc. etc are variable and a test plate is used to determine speed etc. a small test program file is run changing the speed of cut etc. when you have a decent cut use that info to setup for part cutting on that thickness of material.

    Thing to keep in mind is: it takes roughly 20 amps of power to pierce every 1/8 inch of plate. So if you run CNC buy a big cutter like the pp80

  7. Default My hardware and plasma holder

    I would like to see Everlast offer a straight torch in the future as an upgrade. In the meantime I have machined the torch holder shown in the attached pics. As you can see my machine was primarily set up for use with the Porter Cable router. The holder I made just slides in the same hole the router normally sits in. I have also included some photos of the various stages of my build.

    Geezer, for the most part the Torchmate deal seems to be a convenient way to get into plasma cutting because they offer all the software tailored for the task. For me it is a little different. I am using Mach3 and CamBam software to drive my table. Mach3 can be configured for router, laser, waterjet, plasma etc, but it requires a very good understanding of the particular process you are running. For example when I am cutting wood or metal my plunge cuts could usually start anywhere. With plasma you have to offset your plunge cut (pierce) and then transition to your cut to get a smooth finished edge. From my understanding these offsets (I think they are called Lead Ins/Outs) are handled by the cam program. Maybe the cam program I am using is not really suitable for plasma as I have not seen any settings for Lead In or Out. Someone on another forum recommended SheetCam so I might give that a whirl.

    So I am glad I will not have invest in torch height control. I am still curious to know how your table knows whether ignition has taken place. You obviously have the trigger switch routed to your controller. Is that the only control that your table uses? Is there a current donut or something you place on your cables?

    Thanks for the help.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #8


    Your set up for the torch holder looks just fine, the machine looks great,as far as a feed back loop or donut sensing ring on the cables, there is none. Cadlite from torchmate is used to set male or female entry paths on the parts to be cut, other programs can do the same.

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