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Thread: I-Mig 200 Arrival!

  1. #1

    Default I-Mig 200 Arrival!

    Just last week I purchased the I-Mig 200. I opened up the box and took inventory of what arrived. All was there including a few extra contact tips, hose for gas hookup and clamp, but what was not in the box was the regulator for gas flow. Should that have been included in the package or should that have been ordered extra? I thought that would have been included.

    On a different note, I did some field welding with it on a loading dock using a 5,000 watt generator and it worked flawless. It would be better if I had a longer cord on the gun. I was welding ¼” to ¼” and ¼” to 3/8” using .035” Flux core wire. It takes a little practice to get the settings right, but when I did it laid down a half decent looking bead

    Next project is a nice custom outdoor fire pit using the scraps from this job.

    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

  2. #2


    Call the office. That should have been shipped.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Just a reminder, they're on West Coast time so the office won't be open until after noon Eastern. The number is 877-755-WELD (9353).
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  4. #4


    Thanks guys. I'll try and give them a call a little later.
    ***Pittsburgh Cutting and Fabrication LLC***
    ~CNC Plasma Cutting, Design work and Small Fabrication~
    --Beam Work - Custom Handrails - Welding--
    Phone: 412.206.1322

    ~PowerPlasma 50
    ~I-Mig 200
    ~52"x96" CNC Plasma Cutting Table w/ THC
    ...and some other stuff

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