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Thread: PowerARC 200 and generator

  1. #1
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    Totonto, Ontario

    Default PowerARC 200 and generator

    First off, let me say that I have never done any stick welding before. I do have a small wire fed welder but it is too small to do very much. I am considering the purchase of the PowerARC 200. I do not have 220 volts in my house, other than my stove, but I do have a brand new Champion 5500 watt generator that has a 240 volt outlet at 30 amps. Would this generator run the PowerARC 200 if I was using between 100 and 150 amps without damaging the generator? The generator does have 2 circuit breakers on it.


  2. #2


    I'd be more worried about damaging the welder...The generator must be clean power to run the unit...and it probably is not. Saying 100-150 amps limit is a quite a broad range. The welder pulls 40 amps, and you'd better have that much dedicated to it, or you can under power the welder and damage it if you slip above or even push the threshold. You'd be better with the PowerArc 140 ST on this one.

  3. #3


    The 140ST is a very nice little unit. For it's size it is a beast. You can pick one up at amazon for $249 but they are having a hard time keeping them in stock!!!
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
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  4. #4


    The champion 5500/6800 generator is only a rated at 23A, this will not provide enough power to run a welder that needs 40 amp to properly operate. I have tried to run an RV that needs 30 amp power supply on one they will not supply enough power to do so.
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  5. #5
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    Well,... I guess that settles that! Thanks to all for your input. I suppose that I had best look at wiring the house.
    I have room in my panel for a double pole 50 amp breaker so maybe I'll run the cable and then get an electrician to hook it up to the panel. Maybe save a few bucks that way. I'll run it from the panel to the outside of the house.

    Thanks again guys, much appreciated.

  6. #6


    Why get an electrician to hook it up to the panel? Just cut the main breaker off and do it yourself. Just be careful...
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneJackson View Post
    Why get an electrician to hook it up to the panel? Just cut the main breaker off and do it yourself. Just be careful...
    I was more concerned about my insurance if for any reason there was a problem and they found that I had done it myself.
    I have wired 120v into the panel a few times but I have never done 220v. It probably isn't much different except that it is using a double pole breaker with one lead going to each.

    I am going to use a 50 amp breaker so I am assuming that #6/3 will handle it ok. It is a bit expensive though running 62 ft, 19 meters, at $10.72 per meter plus $47.95 for the 50 amp breaker at Home Depot.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbo View Post
    I was more concerned about my insurance if for any reason there was a problem and they found that I had done it myself.
    I have wired 120v into the panel a few times but I have never done 220v. It probably isn't much different except that it is using a double pole breaker with one lead going to each.

    I am going to use a 50 amp breaker so I am assuming that #6/3 will handle it ok. It is a bit expensive though running 62 ft, 19 meters, at $10.72 per meter plus $47.95 for the 50 amp breaker at Home Depot.
    It's always nice to have extra capacity for future expansion, but if that is the only machine you will be running, you could go with a 30 amp circuit using #10 or even a 20 amp with #12awg which is dirt cheap. It will save you a lot. However if you see a plasma cutter in your future, might as well go with the #6 which can use a 60 amp breaker.

    BTW the NEC has a whole special section on rules for welders since they are duty cycle limited devices, they can run downrated from other type of loads. Your local codes may have other limitations you need to follow.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Columbo View Post
    First off, let me say that I have never done any stick welding before. I do have a small wire fed welder but it is too small to do very much. I am considering the purchase of the PowerARC 200. I do not have 220 volts in my house, other than my stove, but I do have a brand new Champion 5500 watt generator that has a 240 volt outlet at 30 amps. Would this generator run the PowerARC 200 if I was using between 100 and 150 amps without damaging the generator? The generator does have 2 circuit breakers on it.

    I'd recommend a dedicated 50-60amp circuit for welding needs, or cutter. Get an electrician to hook it up at the panel to save money if you can weld near the panel. If you can not weld by the panel, and extension cord is probably another cheaper solution to move the welder where you need it from a panel outlet.

    Or get a PA140. But the PA200 a strong machine.

    Mark, what is imax on the PA200.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #10


    If you are worried about your insurance, go to the building inspectors office in your area. You may have to pull a permit to add the outlet, but they will check everything and make sure it is up to code. Then you are good as far as insurance goes.

    People are always intimidated by the inspectors, most are very nice and helpful. They are there to help and make sure it is done right (safe). Not to be pricks (most of the time).
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
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  11. #11


    Glad you added "most of the time". But good advice. As long as a licensed electrician (even if a friend that is an electrician) you should be fine. Maybe post an add for an electrician and you will weld for them in trade. My be surprised. Just had car work done, welding the guys compressor tank this week.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  12. #12


    My experience has been good with the inspectors. I built my house a little over 2 years ago and did most of the work myself, to include electrical. I only had one thing the inspector made me do which I thought was crazy as hell (at least his explanation of why I needed to do it was). I have a bonus room over the garage and it was all framed with ply on the flooring. In the garage he made me add bracing to the floor joist where they tied into the outside walls (in other words a small 2x4 between the joists). His reason, to keep the floor joists from falling over...... I KID YOU NOT!!! I didn't say anything but OK. I thought this guy has lost his marbles if he thinks a floor joist is going to fall over when it has 100 screws in the ply holding it all together... Anyways it turned out I needed to run a band anyways as a fire break between the garage (something I found in the code book, not mentioned by the inspector). Perhaps he knew this all along and was just messing with me....
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    welding the guys compressor tank this week.
    I'd like to hear more about this... is the welding any different because it's a pressure vessel?
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    My son is a firefighter and there is a fellow at his hall who was a licensed electrician before becoming a firefighter. He says that he will hook it up to the panel and will only charge me for his time. He says it shouldn't take very long if the wire is already run and he only has to hook it up to the panel.

    Thanks guys.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbo View Post
    My son is a firefighter and there is a fellow at his hall who was a licensed electrician before becoming a firefighter. He says that he will hook it up to the panel and will only charge me for his time. He says it shouldn't take very long if the wire is already run and he only has to hook it up to the panel.

    Thanks guys.
    Cool, sounds like it's coming together for you. Don't know if we ever got a chance to say "Welcome!" to the forums, btw. What's your location, if you don't mind me asking? There's a spot for it in your user settings, if you choose to fill it out- never know who's close by.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  16. #16
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    Yes, it is slowly coming together. I have to start digging tomorrow to lay the cable and conduit from the house to the workshop. Its about 40 feet from the house to the workshop. I am in Toronto and once I get this cable hooked up I will take a jaunt out to Burlington and pick up the PowerARC 200. Then the fun begins,... learning how to stick weld.

    And thank you for the welcome. Appreciated. I'll check my setting later. Just got called for supper.

  17. #17


    I can tell you from running my power arc 200 from my generator (7,000 watt max), that is not enough power for the inrush amps that that light the arc. It would probably run the welder, but not start the weld very well. Power Arc 140st or 160 would be your best bet.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeanMurphy265 View Post
    I can tell you from running my power arc 200 from my generator (7,000 watt max), that is not enough power for the inrush amps that that light the arc. It would probably run the welder, but not start the weld very well. Power Arc 140st or 160 would be your best bet.

    Yes, I am now aware that 5500w will not be enough. As mentioned in my last couple of posts I am going to run a 220v cable from my house panel to my workshop. That should do the trick. I was talking to a fellow tonight over a coffee and he was trying to convince me that nobody stick welds any more, suggesting I should get a TIG. While that would be nice, my current budget as a retiree will not provide me with enough cash for a TIG at this time. I don't know a lot about TIG welding but don't you have to use gas with that?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbo View Post
    Yes, I am now aware that 5500w will not be enough. As mentioned in my last couple of posts I am going to run a 220v cable from my house panel to my workshop. That should do the trick. I was talking to a fellow tonight over a coffee and he was trying to convince me that nobody stick welds any more, suggesting I should get a TIG. While that would be nice, my current budget as a retiree will not provide me with enough cash for a TIG at this time. I don't know a lot about TIG welding but don't you have to use gas with that?
    Yes, you do need inert shielding gas for TIG, but you can do it with a stick welder as a power source. A couple of the PowerArcs even come with TIG torches and features for TIG, like the 140ST and the 160 STH. Here is a nice video on adding TIG functionality to a stick machine.

    and part two
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  20. #20
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    That is an interesting video Rambozo. Thank you for showing it. It looks like TIG has a bit higher learning curve than stick. As a newbie maybe I should try the stick first. Thanks again.

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