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Thread: PP50 arc issues

  1. Default PP50 arc issues

    When I pull the trigger it will arc then go out then re arc. Sometimes there's no arc and just the air blows through the torch. My pressure is ok and there's no moisture in the air lines what so ever, I'm running a motoguard and a secondary trap. I'm vetting tired of all the issues with the machine, can someone she'd some light on the issue.
    Thermal Arc 300 GTSW
    Everlast PP50

  2. #2


    Where exactly is your pressure sitting and your amps?

  3. Default

    It is sitting at 25 amps @ 65psi
    Thermal Arc 300 GTSW
    Everlast PP50

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by millermatic View Post
    It is sitting at 25 amps @ 65psi
    You have to adjust the pressure down when you are cutting at low amperage. Should probably be around 40-50 with a larger tip. Also I assume you are trying to maintain an arc with the 50 amp1.0 or 40 amp .9 mm nozzle? To keep the best, most stable arc, you have to use a smaller consumable. They make a 20 amp tip for this low amp operation which is .6. Otherwise arc stability can be erratic.

  5. Default

    Thanks for the response it, i now see the issue. Also do you know if drag tips are available for the s-45, also are there any hypertherm consumables that match the torch?
    Thermal Arc 300 GTSW
    Everlast PP50

  6. #6


    The S-25 cons that you can buy for the small Hobart cutters in Agri Supply, (I have been told, and the part numbers match from Trafimet) will fit for the low end cuts. Yes, they do have drag tips, but the tips that come with the unit are fine for dragging up to 30 amps or so. I have done it many issues.

  7. Default

    Since your responding rather quickly i would like to ask about the torch itself, is it a nutec or is it a trafimet? From what im seeing the cons seem to be pretty similar but im sure there are some differences.
    Thermal Arc 300 GTSW
    Everlast PP50

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by millermatic View Post
    Since your responding rather quickly i would like to ask about the torch itself, is it a nutec or is it a trafimet? From what im seeing the cons seem to be pretty similar but im sure there are some differences.
    The nutec is a version of the trafimet, and privately labeled. Our S-45 is neither(currently) though Canada does offer the Trafimet as OEM. Several companies make the same torch based off the trafimet design. If it says s-45, the cons should fit, as well as the s 25.

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