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Thread: Project 1 from Trip - new cart design (re-run contest)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida

    Default Project 1 from Trip - new cart design (re-run contest)

    So I talked about a new cart design in another post, but now that I started, I wanted to start an actual build post. Got the concept/mock-up done today, should start on the base tomorrow and have it functional next weekend, though I'm sure it'll take longer to get 100% done.

    I decided to use grid shelving, I got a ton from a friend, set some up in the garage, have plans to use another 5 panels or so, and had a few left. The versatility of hook positioning, the number of cables, leads, hoses, tools for the cart made it a no-brainer.

    The base concept that brought me to this point ^

    Mocked up with one of the two welders (MIG goes on the other side so I can open the door), will have a toolbox hard mounted on the bottom with a tray and three drawers.

    Looks like the tanks will have to go behind the upright to extend the wheelbase and to allow the welders to sit far enough in.

    Thanks to my boy for helping hold things up before they're welded, I'm hoping to get him welding on this project.

    Still working through the front end, I'm set on using the wheels I have, I still have an idea on how I want it to work (no, not like a wagon) either of the two ideas will be neat.

    Yes, the welders will be reinforced and strapped in, as will the bottles.
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida


    Ok, so I finally got everyone else's project done, time for mine. Disappointed I didn't get any welding done during contest time, but oh well.

    So I started on the base, after deciding I needed to add a front panel.

    Think of an I with extra pieces off the bottom and a pair of smaller pieces to support a tray and toolbox.

    So the two square areas on the end are for a pair of tanks. I was going to just put an X and have them sit on top of that, but I found this easier to cut and fit. Also note the two smaller reinforcements under where the toolbox will be.

    Now with some stuff loaded on and secured, there will be pegs and clips added for weeks I'm sure.

    I did cut out some areas to access the controls easier.

    I wound up stick welding the grids to each other with 1/8" 6011, what a pain in the hind end. I arc'd the liner on my MIG on the frame early in the day, melted the hose, so I had stick and TIG and there was too much paint left in the corners to try to TIG. Not as pretty as I'd like, but it's solid. Everything strapped down, finding locations for all the goodies, I'll take some more pics once it's all loaded and I have my rod holder built too.
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida


    Well, 2 days of actual use and adding stuff has increased the overall weight dramatically. I decided to clean the front of the garage rather than spend the day welding and machining the wheel/axle/steering units, but I did get some hood time in.

    The flexibility of the grid is really starting to show, clamps and vise grips.

    Grinding, cutting and brushes

    Toolbox for burrs and other small things like arbors, lenses, etc.

    The coat hanger brackets are working great to hold the cables at table level, finding other uses as things go...
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

  4. #4


    I hope the grid is strong enough - you are getting a lot of weight on it!

    Interesting idea though -thanks!



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Middleburg Florida


    Units came from a bike shop where they were used to hold motorcycle parts. The shelf brackets holding up the welders are rated for 30 LBS each (I thought they were more, I'll probably put a third on each) and the welders are also strapped in as well with cinch straps rated at several hundred pounds. As far as the rest of the stuff, we're talking a couple pounds here and there, well under the weight of the parts that used to hang on them.

    Don't take this as defensive or unreceptive, I posted so much about it here looking for feedback and I appreciate it all greatly. I researched the load limits on the shelving before I started and designed it with full support underneath so I didn't have any issues with the panels themselves. They're welded across the bottoms and up the ends and I'll be making an I piece for the top, tying it all together in time for extra reinforcement.

    All 4 wheels will turn, I have the design set, should start during the week once I get in the other tungstens. I set up the tank support area to give it a longer wheel base, offering more stability.

    After yanking it around today with the casters it's resting on, I'm pretty confident it'll hold up, by the time the rest of the reinforcement goes in, it'll be bullet proof (reminds me, I need a holster mount too )
    Trip Bauer
    Former USN HT
    Everlast 200DX New Model
    Hobart Handler 125 MIG
    Van Norman #12
    Atlas 12" engine lathe
    '98 RoadKing - 84 Ironhead - 59 Ironhead

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