I got my 6-50 plug wired to my new 140st today, and also made a whip to use 110. Chopped up a piece of 1/8" angle I had and ran a few beads before I had to quit due to storm clouds. I have to weld outside, so the weather is always a consideration. I have an old stainless food service table as my bench.
I had a handful of Lincoln 6013 rods and some Horrible Freight 6011. Besides the slag coming off the 6013 more easily, they burned pretty similarly.
I think there was a little improvement from my first beads to my last, and I even managed a couple lap joints. Penetration looked good from the edges (to my noob eyes).
I'm really impressed so far with the little 140. My only problem was I could not get the 110 to light up at all. On 220 both rods lit up like a kitchen match, all the way down to 60 amps. At 110 amps I was cutting pieces off a 3/16" bar with the 6011.
I tried the 110 circuit with the work clamp grounded to the table and directly to the angle. Nuthin'.
I made a whip with 10/3 left over from an extension cord. I'm sure the polarity is correct. Using the 110 whip in a 20 amp outlet, the welder amp display lights up, but I can't get an arc to strike. What can I check? Help!
Below are some pics: