My power tig 200 dx quit working I sent it in for repair and Alex upgraded me to an everlast 225 lx.
The 225 lx was delivered thursday. I hooked it up and it seems to work pretty good. The only question I have is when I hook up the pedal that came with my 200 dx to the 225 lx and turn all the way up it only goes to 165 amps on the digital gauge. It only gets to 165 when welding also I checked, but when I use the torch switch it goes to 226 amps on the display .and I can tell the difference in between the two. When I am using the torch switch with it wide open it is a whole lot hotter than when using the foot pedal and it is to the floor. The pedal I am using is the one for the 200 dx it is compatible with the 225 lx correct? It feels like it is 60 amps hotter like the digital display is reading. The footpedal that I have was for the 200 dx it is the kind with the amperage knob on the front of it. Is this pedal compatible with the 225 lx? If I turn the knob on the footpedal all the way down the display reads 225 amps but I have no weld power or it is very low and if I turn it all the way up it only gets to 165 amps according to the display. If the 200dx and the 225lx use different footpedals I wish Alex or somebody from everlast would have told me.