Originally Posted by
i have built, without exaggeration, over 1500 of these boat saddles over the past five years. the clips and angle iron that contain the wood are of HOT DIPPED galvanized. big difference between hot dipped and zinc coated. i have suffered no ill effects at all. galvanized is welded every day of the year down here. it is very common around salt water. it appears that you guys that live inland have the biggest problem with it. position yourself correctly, don't work in confined space without exhaust, get a fan!!
in the first photo i am using a carbon arc setup to remove old weld from saddles.
after i finish this post i am headed to the gym, i will be doing forty to fortyfive minutes of cardio on a cross trainer at level 42, same as i was five years ago. i am in my sixties.
i mention this only to illustrate that it can be done with no deleterious effects if you simply take minimal precautions. seriously, you wouldn't suck exhaust from a car, would you?
i have visions of some of you guys going to work in space suits.
that frazinator is interesting i am thinking of adding one to the compressor i use in the field.